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Prachee Avasthi @PracheeAC
7 years ago, 8 tweets, 2 min read Read on Twitter
I’m a fan of formalizing what people are supposed to osmose though their training so I love these tweets on the #hiddencurriculum of academia. I’ll start with a thread on cover letters (specifically for postdoc apps since I’m currently looking for one):
Please don’t omit the cover letter. It can contain some very useful info. In no particular order:
1) Is it even addressed to the PI or does it look like a generic letter that went to 50 other people?
2) Can you effectively describe your achievements and most important findings?...not just what you‘ve done so far in your PhD but why it’s important or why you find it exciting. It helps if they can see your passion for your subject here-not just a laundry list of your results.
3) Why this lab? Help them see your rationale for why you are interested in their lab based on your background and what you hope to learn from them. What makes the lab a good fit for you?
4) Is your letter well thought out and free of excessive typos or grammar mistakes. This is an application for employment and career development-it should be taken seriously.
5) Do you have any particular interests in the field? This doesn’t need to be a research proposal but if you mention some thoughts or questions, it speaks to your curiosity & signals you plan to take more initiative/want more freedom.
6) What are your core skills? Please don’t exaggerate here. It helps the PI see how your expertise can be complemented with new skills from their lab towards appropriate avenues of research.
Do most applicants include all these things? Not even close, but the more of this that is in there, the more you’ll stand out.
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