Because all the western Christian myths make total sense....
"They say that your ancestors tried to steal the land. I say they were trying to stop infanticide and mass rape...I will not honour this culture."
Comparing the Australian example to the Islamic takeover of India, saying that was much worse (as an apparent excuse of colonisation here).
This is one thing I may almost agree with...
Brings up Australia's statement on multiculturalism, which says Australia's values should not be based on race or culture. People boo.
"But aren't values based on culture? And the values the government talk about are all based on one culture...Western culture."
To multiculuraliss your space is to relinquish your autonomy and authority."
What does that actually mean?
I agree, and I don't...
Southern: we can't ask the media to stop as they just lie. She doesn't use these labels as they change so often. "I am a truth seeker, that is all."
Molyneux says that multiculturalism is all based on money from central banking. Blames immigrants for rising house prices. Says that if had payers were given a bill for multiculturalism it would stop tomorrow.
Molyneux says we should learn from South Africa and the demographics there, where black people have 'bred more to outnumber whites'.
Molyneux says not too use those labels. There is volunturism and violence. We want volunturism not violence.
Molyneux says "why should the west care about you"
Southern says that we're creating balkanisation like what happened in Yugoslavia.
Southern says she used to be sceptical of all politicians, which is why she got into politics. Says the left have done a great job of conquering all our institutions, so the right had to take them back.
Southern says liberalism has major issues, and says she also criticises capitalism. But that doesn't mean abandoning these ideas. We just need to work to fix the problems of it.
Says feminists have made life shit for women. Says it was much better for women when they were put on pedestals and loved for the things we do well.
Molyneux says the solution is always freedom.
Southern says that there are so many more people here who are fired up compared to Canada. Australia has the numbers to change things.
Says Australia should get rid of the human rights Commission like Canada.