me: any of us can choose to do bad things or choose to do good things. who we are isn’t static, and mistakes only define us when we refuse to change
kid: that’s why good and bad guys are just in movies because in real life everyone is both
But grown-ass men should know better.
We have police to keep us safe, sometimes even from ourselves. We have police to enforce laws- laws that are meant to keep us safe. And we have police to support our communities- to keep the peace.
We don’t have police to determine consequences for criminal conduct. That’s what judges are for.
We don’t have police to write tickets so we can fund necessary public services. That’s what taxes are for.
Protect and serve. And if you can’t summon the humility for the second part, you’re absolutely gonna fuck up the first.
And if you aren’t gonna try to do it right, we’re probably better off with you finding a different career path.