It is dt whitish fluid that he sprays all over during ejaculation. The actual sperm is contained in d semen but is microscopic and cant be seen. D semen is d medium thru which it is delivered
For those yet to encounter it, it takes a biometric scan and tells u everything about every organ in ur body and a usual diagnosis for guys is low sperm count.
Pls note that d only way to diagnose this is to...
And that u did nt fill d 'nylon' to d brim doesnt mean u hav low sperm count. Ur seminal fluid can be small due to a number of reasons. It doesnt mean sperm is
Sha know that sperm isnt d same as semen.
Other than d fact that without Sperm and its delivery fluid- semen, none of these girls will ever have a baby to call their own, some research has shown some other health benefits of this quality manly fluid.
D research showed that semen is a great anti depressant and anxiolytic.
2. It combats early menopause by boosting the female hormones- oxytocin and progesterone
4. It has been shown to improbe cardiac health.
5. In pregnant women it prevents hypertension (pre eclampsia). It also prevents morning sickness. It has to be d same sperm that caused d pregnancy tho
7. It is a very anti oxidant and as such slows down the ageing process of the skin and muscles
So Yea!!
These girls hav been using u for ur semen
So Next time she tries unbuckle ur belt do small shakara and tell her..
Babe mans nt hot!