❌ The Russians
✅ C H O L E R A
*REMF is a technical term in the British Armed Forces referring to organizational and support personnel**
Reason 1: The British hadn’t engaged in a war against another European power since Wellington dropped the mic at Waterloo in 1815
These chuckefucks ship off to the Crimea without a recce
They literally just rolled up to the war like
The same war office that looked down on white officers in the Indian service as second class because they were brown-adjacent
But how could incompetence and institutional racism trump saving soldiers’ lives?
STFU, loser, your family CHOSE to emigrate, you did not arrive IN CHAINS, and at no point were you someone else’s property.
oh yes: the great irony of the Irish Potato Famine.
the blight that caused the potato crop to fail ~came from America~
history: so fucked up, you couldn’t invent it
not really
The Corn Laws artificially protected & inflated prices of British grain
Their Irish labourers, who had only tiny plots of land to themselves, switched over to potatoes from 1700s...
This, also, is the origin of celiac disease, a genetic marker mostly appearing in Irish families BECAUSE THEY STOPPED EATING GRAIN, thanks to the Corn Laws
they ate potatoes
because Ireland is a net grain exporter
because of the corn laws
and landlords refused to renege on their profits to give grain to the Irish
c a p i t a l i s m is WILD
much like America’s corn laws now
Ireland’s just over this wee little sea from Wales and nobody could get off their arse to check
not doing recces: it’s the British way
especially when faced with a brown woman who wanted to help
She goes to the War Office EVERY DAMN DAY. She contacts everyone to ask for their help / intervention. But nah.
and she delivers
nobody is angry that she’s selling things, they all understand she had to
and plus there’s fuckall else to spend your pay on in the ass end of the Ukraine
she probably saved thousands of lives over her year in the Crimea
British KIA: 2,755
British died of disease: 17,580
His bill was only passed on the third reading thanks to Wellington going to bat for it
The Corn Law tariffs were tapered off into nonexistence by 1849
That bill failed, & brought down Peel’s government
karma, bitch
tip your drunkstorian: ko-fi.com/alexdecampi or buy one of my books (eg BAD GIRLS, link below).
BAD GIRLS: Havana, New Year’s Eve 1958/59, three girls, six million dollars, twelve hours to get out of Cuba with the mob on their heels as Batista’s government and everything else falls apart