People show some ponzi scheme and say monthly 10% income - Greed kicks in and people put lot of money to become rich overnight!
Society say your kid will lag behind if he is not in top school - Fear Kicks in and you pay lacks on nursery kid.
a Private School ask you to pay 100,000 donation just to admit your 3 year kid to school and people feel and act as if its there responsibility to pay that large chunk.. imagine what kind of investment its going to be till child get a job after some 18-20 yrs
Did your job gave back all that with your first month salary?
No right -- thats how one must look at their money spent on investing education.
Are we short of books? internet? Google?
All these can clearly give a so called great "knowledge" more or less in way that we end up getting in carnivals and workshops & these are like you buying Groceries when you need cooked food.
You never know what you doing and why you are doing it using all your money:(
Learn yourself to get a holistic experience about how the game of investing is played. Go for Direct investing with support of Edu & tools
No one watch your money as close as you do
Fund house make money irrespective of you make or not
You all work so hard & day in day out to make money & hand it over to others just like that in the name of MF
Majority of them feel awkward when they release that they need to buy a ticket to use flight
Sacrifice wealth for a ticket?
How much time you spend on sofa and how many hours you rest on a bed?
Which is more important? To which u need to pay more?
Now how you relate this to market education?
Proven system is a locker & the gold is YOUR money in market
I bet the common reason for missing them would be "you never believed in them"
Belief is the fundamental need towards any achievements.
You become what you believe.
We believed, We Achieved💐
Think about it .. whatever you are today in your life is a result of a strong desire or a strong need!!
A student sent us this lovely story on whatsapp now :)
I can relate this with people in market who need less trades, small losses, big profits, free time, big wealth with small money, good guidance, proven mechanism etc
Do we know what all it takes?

Look for good & tangible solutions that directly add value to your steps in stock market, rather than opting only hyped things around💐

If u need entertainment go to a movie don't come to market.
If u need true education study well at college, don't burn money on workshops.
Casual attitude will not make money for you.
Nearly in this 40 months we met him twice during some meets.
In 2016 his capital 4.8 lks
Recently in March 2018 he was with 1.4lks
Re think about your old beliefs to transform your life.
Try now ..
1. Money
2. Common sense
Try to make money by using Common sense.
World class Buy it On-Spot when
Middle class can only wait.
#smartthinking #perception
#psychological #Knowledgeispower #CommonSense
One must take enough chances out of available opportunities throughout his life.
That's how one become lucky.
Think about how many opportunities you have today and how soon you try them☺️
Good Luck💐
1. Ask people the list of all their recommended stocks when they TomTom their winner stocks only
2. Ask people the whole year p&l ledger with correct initial capital details when they show only big MTM profits
4 . Ask a guy about real portfolio that he built practically and made profits when he advice a top performing Mutual funds
Be wise it's your hard earned money, Avoid Greed!