Me: i want you to hurt me
Her: You aren’t really doing physics you’re just studying the consequences of Maxwell’s equations using math
Me: wait
Her: You’re basically an engineer
Me: i want you to hurt me
Her: Indiana Jones never accomplished anything he just ran around and endangered his friends
Me: wait
Her: If Indy had stayed out of it, the Ark would’ve melted Hitler’s face
Me: i want you to hurt me
Her: The Moon landings were faked
Me: wait
Her: the Earth is flat and was created 6000 years ago. NASA is Satan
Me: i want you to hurt me
Her: If global warming is real, why was it cold last winter
Me: wait
Her: look at this snowball
Me: i want you to hurt me
Her: Nazi sympathizer Henry Ford implemented square dancing in US schools to counter the influence of black music
Me: wait
Her: You nazi danced your way through K-12