First speaker is @BrianCathcart

He says politicians are talking about an outcome of this being taxing tech companies and using the money to fund journalism...
The government tends to define it as ‘The Press’. So they’re talking about taking money from Google and giving it to the Daily Mail. That’s not going to improve journalism.
Murdoch said “newspapers have a great power for good, they can expose wrongdoing. But they also have a great power for evil - and the power for evil is the power *not* to report”
Even the Guardian is “up to their necks” in the Cairncross Review, with a member on the panel, aiming for subsidy of the press - and supported cancelling Leveson 2
Brian says we need better regulation and since the second part of the Leveson inquiry was cancelled by the government, there is only one hope...
It is important now to write to the panel (details at gov.uk/government/con… ) to make your views known...
That wraps up this session