1. First the @RBI notifications. It is true that they had put a Master KYC document that mandated Aadhaar.
Link: rbi.org.in/ScriptS/BS_Vie…
Link: egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/…
(Our context is still existing accounts)
Link: rbi.org.in/scripts/BS_Vie…
They need to be compliant to master KYC instructions time to time. But however that is still under suspension.
10. Now all this pales in comparison with the Super card, which is even more fun.
I hope this is not how things are today, because it is definitely not how it should be.
@Logic add your Qs here because you track PPI better than me.
Link: docs.zetaapps.in/display/OND/Ge…
@Nixxin as per @ZetaIndia, Full KYC is allowed via other IDs, just not Aadhaar KYC. So why are they not giving it as an option?