The other side thinks this is FALSE and INSANE, as a view of the world.
Anita: EVERYTHING is sexist/racist/homophobic and YOU HAVE TO point it ALL out.
Lewis: They will NEVER stop TORMENTING us.
Oh, but Social Justice will be different! It will ACTUALLY bring about utopia.
Uh huh. Right. Sure it will.
"Social" Justice is NOT justice. The "social" part MEANS THAT it does not give a fuck about actual PERSONS.
I despise TERFs, but I'd rather die than allow Social Justice Gulags.
"Nazi" being understood as anyone not a member of The Social Justice Party, of course. The Party is all.
Social Justice must be destroyed.
I feel that in my bones as much as Cato did that, no matter what, Carthage must be destroyed.
I'm with Plato. Gary's with Mill.
Do you think "liberalism" is automatically about true liberty, because it is in the name? That is the same argument that Social Justice is necessarily about justice—it's in the name!