1. Login requires phone number and email yet estatement portal requires NSSF No.
2. There is a popup display ~XXXXXX~ maybe the developers left it in there
3. When one enters email the app checks for SMS … received
4. Why does the app need access to media on my phone? Why is the external permission necessary for an app that provides information? #AppSecurity
5. Hamburger menu in top left hand corner does not work
Testing Platform: #OnePlusTwo #Android 8.1.0 #LineageOs 15.1-20180918
1. Great work on the UI/UX - meets corporate colors and is pretty modern too
2. Responsive app comes in at 8MB
3. Nice dashboard and statistics - give an insight into what the future holds.
1. Additional caclucators:
- contribution based on salary
- Salary target for contribution,
2. Metrics:
- Contribution estimate this FY year
- Contribution by employer and by year
Good work @nssfug @rpbyaru & team
@nssfug being the #OpenSource & #CreativeCommons activist, I would love to see sharing of the software engineering practices & approaches used for the #NSSFGoApp, to raise the general bar across the government sector (assuming it was built internally of course)