The Ultimate Learning Guide: @farnamstreet and @ryan_reeves13 👇👇👇
1.Choose a Concept
2. Teach it to a Toddler
3. Identify Gaps and Go Back to The Source Material
4. Review and Simplify (optional)
Open-minded people see disagreement as a thoughtful means to expand their knowledge.
Best Option: A generalizing specialist has a core competency which they know a lot about. At the same time, they are always learning and have a working knowledge of other areas.
(1) increased intelligence;
(2) an uncomfortable silence when someone asks you what happened on Game of Thrones last night and you say “Game of what?”;
(3) better ideas; and
(4) increased understanding of yourself and others.
1. Damage-control lawsuits can lead to negative media attention and cause more harm
2. Abstinence-based education invariably causes a rise in teenage pregnancies.
1. be visible;
2. emphasize the aspects you’re good at;
3. make those in power feel good about themselves;
4. if you must point out a mistake by someone in power, blame the situation or others; and
5. shower those above with flattery.