Listen, that was a bit Naive.
January 2018, I went on a limb and bought equipment for shoot: Cameras, lights, etc. I was ready but only two instructors had agreed to do it.
We started shooting in March and encountered many challenges, the major one being location.
God is good and His mercies are undeserving.
When we were done shooting, I quickly asked the editor to cut footage that I could market.
Everyone agreed it was well done and fantastic content but they said DANG Network is new, how do we market it? A brand even told me, “you have no subscribers, the platform is empty, how do we work with that?”
When I thought we had found a brand to take take the masterclass,
In all of these,
One day, I got to the office, I shut my door, asked not to be disturbed and I cried. I wanted to scream but the editors and staff were next door so I wailed silently...
The rep Picked at the first ring, “Ife, we’re on. I just got the final signature for approval. Let’s do this!”
Some weeks later,
I know I was relentless but I couldn’t have had the strength if I hadn’t prayed for it.
It is not a cliche when people say you should never give up on a dream you’re convince about.
***Here’s the teaser for the DANG Masterclass***