I think when people on the right and center talk about "identity politics", they tend to conflate a number of very different movements and ideas.
E.g. areomagazine.com/2018/09/25/ide…
But these are very different. One is about winning equality within American society, the other is about carving out spaces within American society.
As is the campaign to enact stricter cultural norms against sexual assault.
These are not separatist movements.
They're about, in Nixon's memorable words, getting "a piece of the action".
But they are *not* hard-multiculturalism.
It's mostly limited to calls for segregated spaces on college campuses, and to online rhetoric ("my culture is not your prom dress", etc.).
But I think it's still a very small worry.
And the big, popular types of identity politics - BLM, MeToo, and the rest - are good and necessary.