Former Cambridge Analytica chief used N-word to describe Barbados PM…
New details around the firm’s work in the Caribbean – and the tactics it was prepared to use – have emerged from leaked emails and documents relating to SCL."
"At the time, it appears SCL was pitching for business with the Barbados Labour party and had apparently attempted to make contact with Moe and Mottley, who was then leader of the opposition."
Says, "THEY JUST NIGGERS" - referring to the Barbados PM's wise business decision NOT to do deal with him: 🤨

Russians Flock to Trump Properties to Give Birth to U.S. Citizens… via @thedailybeast… via @nbcnews
They're not going to stop.…
SCL worked for the St Kitts Labour party in two previous elections. ..."
EOT and link back to article.
But first, consider how fake NGOs/charities were created HERE...…