Before buying from an online store, make sure you check their PRIVACY and RETURNS POLICY.
👉 What to do if your purchase is not right?
👉 How can you return it?
This is a crucial aspect to consider when choosing where to shop online.

Only share personal information that is necessary and only on a secure form.
If you are asked for some personal information (mobile, mother's maiden name,...etc) to carry out the purchase, first recheck if you are actually in the right website, before proceeding to fill.
Shop only on known and trusted websites.
Searching the internet for the best offers can take you to unknown and scam sites.
Stay away from those.
Always check that the URL of the website matches where you think it is, and that its address begins with 'https'.
If in doubt of the real website,
Do a Google search for ''The official website of ......" to know the true website.
Be careful with links in emails and ads;
If the offer you received in your email is too good to be true..
Then, it probably is.
During this time.....
..... of the year, e-mails and ads with enticing offers and big discounts are a tool popularly utilized by cyber criminals.
Learn to resist the urge to click on such dubious links.