Though late (Cos the party had been on a while) which in this case isn’t a good thing, but is, in many other cases, (all my ladies **wink** **wink**) It was ok.
“Steviezzle, meet Lola, the organizer” Progress said, as we shook hands.
Ye! Who stone me shoe! Ye!
Alright Ashewos, I’m taking a poll.
Should I write what happened or not...
Nothing like typing and you see another page.
Na! Same same my people!
She finished me.
How I remain till today is just grace.

She was still asleep when I woke up. I went downstairs and man was it a mess.
Kitchen, sitting room, bathroom, a mess, like something out of an American pie movie
The banging heightened. As the webs of sleep cleared from my eyes I heard Lola’s voice asking for us to open the door.
What is it again I wondered.
I opened the door
Stepping out of the room, I looked at the entire house.
There’s not a chance in hell we would clean up this dumpster in an hour or less.
I braced myself for what lay ahead
I figured whatever punishment there’ll be, we would get two times of it because i mean I’m sure he won’t touch the babes.
I figured I’ll maim Progress if I left there alive.
Why always him?
Making cleaning the house harder,was the fact that Lola has not replaced the house supplies of detergent et al.
The house was still dirty......
I looked at him whathefuckerly like baba don’t you have any honor?
He rethought the idea and the smiled.
I know what to do he said.
Lola ran after him
I’m there looking like what’s this smelling I can be your hero attitude this boy is about now.
After an exchange, they opened the gate, a car drove in.
[insert suspense sound here]
Adieu Stevhoe?
They went into the house and proceeded to clean the house with gusto.
I was shell shocked. Like wait!
What’s going on here
He had gone to their website found a vendor, called and they responded ASAP and were saving our asses from the long, thin, chubby, flexible koboko(pardon my mind please 😪)
Whoever the man catches or shoots, adieu. Better that way than to be cooked alive.
Once we wanted to make a go for it, he hesistantly followed LoLa inside.
Praiseeee master Jesus!!!!
“No Stevo Na my church party” he said
Progress! If e like make e be Jesus birthday. I beg you in the name of whoever you serve Cos I doubt say Na God with the things you’ve done to me. Abeg leave me. I no follow you
If not for @vconnectnigeria’s cleaning services I would have had some lines on my body falling in unpleasant places.
I saw their AD for cleaning services this Christmas and remembered this story
Just visit the website here and select a vendor.
Check the next tweet for more hilarious stories to read.
Cheers and compliments of the season
With love,
Uncle Stephen
Check my thread of threads here