The first category of donor in ET World is
(ET) = Empower Texans PAC, Texans For Fiscal Responsibility PAC, and Texas Right To Life PAC
The second category of donor is
(ET9) = The 9 largest donors to the Empower Texans PAC.
These 9 donors make up 97% of the ET PAC, 96% of the TFFR PAC, and 78% of TRL. This overwhelming funding to the 3 PACs is why all three are flagged as ET
The third category of donor is
(ETR) = These are donors who give almost exclusively to candidates funded by the ET level (following a lead), OR it's the campaigns themselves, moving money between the various campaigns
Empower Texans PAC was the largest single donor to both Texas Senate and House races from 01/01/17 - 10/27/18. They gave to 44 different candidates.
Wins - 17 ($1,292,941)
Loses - 27 ($3,015,073)
Overall spend - $4,308,104

Texas Right To Life PAC, from 01/01/17 - 10/27/18 gave to 41 different Texas House & Senate candidates.
Wins - 14 ($238,534)
Losses - 27 ($1,192,872)
Overall spend - $1,431,406

Texans For Fiscal Responsibility PAC, from 01/01/17 - 10/27/18 (this PAC really just started in July 18, but doing full date range for consistency) gave to 9 different Texas House & Senate candidates.
Wins - 3 ($20,000)
Losses - 6 ($507,800)
Overall spend - $527,800

$1,551,475 to winning races
$4,715,744 to losing races
75% going to races that did not succeed

Tim Dunn
Farris Wilks
Dan Wilks
Kyle Stallings
Mayes Middleton
Dick Saulsbury
Holloway Frost
Darlene Pendery
Monty Bennett
97% of ET is these 9 people

Mayes Middleton contributed the most from 01/01/17 - 10/27/18 giving to 7 different Texas House & Senate candidates. This one is first because Middleton spent $1.7 million on his own race.
Wins - 5 ($1,771,192)
Losses - 2 ($7,500)
Overall spend - $1,778,692

Farris Wilks is second on the ET9 list, from 01/01/17 - 10/27/18 giving to 20 different Texas House & Senate candidates.
Wins - 14 ($536,729)
Losses - 6 ($142,500)
Overall spend - $679,229

Darlene Pendery is 3rd on the ET9 list, from 01/01/17 - 10/27/18 giving to 28 different Texas House & Senate candidates.
Wins - 8 ($145,500)
Losses - 20 ($312,000)
Overall spend - $457,500

Kyle Stallings is 4th on the ET9 list, from 01/01/17 - 10/27/18 giving to 28 different Texas House & Senate candidates.
Wins - 6 ($62,000)
Losses - 22 ($154,500)
Overall spend - $216,500

Tim Dunn is 5th on the ET9 list, from 01/01/17 - 10/27/18 giving to 19 different Texas House & Senate candidates.
Wins - 13 ($147,000)
Losses - 6 ($56,500)
Overall spend - $203,500

Dick Saulsbury is 6th on the ET9 list, from 01/01/17 - 10/27/18 giving to 12 different Texas House & Senate candidates. This excludes his kids, who gave a lot too.
Wins - 6 ($57,500)
Losses - 6 ($68,000)
Overall spend - $125,500

Dan Wilks is 7th on the ET9 list, from 01/01/17 - 10/27/18 giving to 16 different Texas House & Senate candidates.
Wins - 12 ($60,258)
Losses - 4 ($57,500)
Overall spend - $117,758

Monty Bennett is 8th on the ET9 list, from 01/01/17 - 10/27/18 giving to 14 different Texas House & Senate candidates. This excludes the giving by MJB Operating and Violet Verbena, both are Bennett.
Wins - 9 ($23,500)
Losses - 5 ($32,000)
Overall spend - $55,500

Holloway Frost is 9th on the ET9 list, from 01/01/17 - 10/27/18 giving to 5 different Texas House & Senate candidates. This excludes giving by Kathaleen Wall, Frost's wife.
Wins - 3 ($25,000)
Losses - 2 ($30,000)
Overall spend - $55,000

$2,828,679 to winning races
$860,500 to losing races

ET, TFFR, TRL and their 9 biggest donors spent $9,956,399 on Texas House and Senate races from 1/1/17 - 10/27/18.
$4.3m winning
$5.5m not winning

Dan Patrick's campaign, from 01/01/17 - 10/27/18, gave to 20 different Texas House & Senate candidates. Dan The Man gave to mostly ET backed folks, and spent the bulk in the Senate.
Wins - 15 ($747,062)
Losses - 5 ($198,691)
Overall spend - $945,753

Jonathan Stickland's campaign, from 01/01/17 - 10/27/18, gave to 27 different Texas House & Senate candidates. Stick was a veritable laundry of funds, albeit not an overly successful one.
Wins - 9 ($42,743)
Losses - 18 ($194,917)
Overall spend - $237,660

Stacy Hock, from 01/01/17 - 10/27/18, gave to 38 different Texas House & Senate candidates. Hock is a major advocate for school choice, looking to privatize public dollars, monetizing kids.
Wins - 17 ($87,500)
Losses - 21 ($135,000)
Overall spend - $222,500

New Leadership PAC, from 01/01/17 - 10/27/18, gave to 5 different Texas House candidates. New Leadership went a big 0 for 5. Yikes! Guess they aren't backing the new leaders that Texas actually wants.
Wins - 0 ($0)
Losses - 5 ($203,103)
Overall spend - $203,103

Kathaleen Wall, from 01/01/17 - 10/27/18, gave to 9 different Texas House & Senate candidates. Wall ran for US Congress, but lost in the primary. She is married to Holloway Frost (ET9)
Wins - 8 ($125,000)
Losses - 1 ($10,000)
Overall spend - $135,000

Don Huffines Campaign, from 01/01/17 - 10/27/18, gave to 7 different Texas House & Senate candidates. Huffines gave most of it to his brother, Phillip, who lost in the primary.
Wins - 1 ($5,000)
Losses - 6 ($123,800)
Overall spend - $128,800

Constituents Focus PAC, from 01/01/17 - 10/27/18, gave to 13 different Texas House candidates. 84% of their contributions went to losing campaigns
Wins - 5 ($19,098)
Losses - 8 ($101,255)
Overall spend - $120,353

Windi Grimes, from 01/01/17 - 10/27/18, gave to 10 different Texas House & Senate candidates. Grimes is a director of the Texas Public Policy Foundation, a legislative arm of Empower influence.
Wins - 5 ($27,500)
Losses - 5 ($71,627)
Overall spend - $99,127

Michael Olcott, from 01/01/17 - 10/27/18, gave to 18 different Texas House & Senate candidates. Olcott is a retired biochemist, and deeply tied to Empower philosophies.
Wins - 9 ($45,000)
Losses - 9 ($37,500)
Overall spend - $82,500

MJB Operating and Violet Verbena, from 01/01/17 - 10/27/18, gave to 5 different Texas House & Senate candidates. These are both Monty Bennett (ET9), just giving via a different vehicle.
Wins - 2 ($43,300)
Losses - 3 ($31,000)
Overall spend - $74,300

Briscoe Cain's Campaign, from 01/01/17 - 10/27/18, gave to 19 different Texas House & Senate candidates. Briscoe had no challenger in the primary or general, so pushed money around.
Wins - 8 ($23,205)
Losses - 11 ($13,300)
Overall spend - $36,505

Texans For Vaccine Choice PAC, from 01/01/17 - 10/27/18, gave to 31 different Texas House & Senate candidates. This PAC is mostly grassroots, but has recently seen big investment by ET9 & other ETR.
Wins - 14 ($7,325)
Losses - 17 ($26,800)
Overall spend - $34,125

NE Tarrant County Tea Party PAC, from 01/01/17 - 10/27/18, gave to 22 different Texas House candidates. They had a miserable record on candidates, only winning 14% of the races they backed.
Wins - 3 ($6,667)
Losses - 19 ($23,130)
Overall spend - $29,797

Jeff Sandefer, from 01/01/17 - 10/27/18, gave to 4 different Texas House candidates. Sandefer is someone who made a lot of money in oil and gas and now advocates for school choice / vouchers.
Wins - 1 ($5,000)
Losses - 3 ($16,000)
Overall spend - $21,000

Texas Home School Coalition PAC, from 01/01/17 - 10/27/18, gave to 6 different Texas House & Senate candidates. The past cycle, this PAC was very ET. It wasn't leveraged as much in 2018.
Wins - 1 ($2,000)
Losses - 5 ($16,000)
Overall spend - $18,000

The next few ETR are other ET funded campaigns. I won't scorecard them, but just list who was giving, and the pics list who they gave to.
- Ken Paxton
- Matt Shaheen
- Matt Rinaldi
- Matt Krause

And even more ET funded campaigns giving to other ET campaigns. I won't scorecard them, but just list who was giving, and the pics list who they gave to.
- Bill Zedler
- Bo French
- Tony Tinderholt
- Jonathan Boos
- Jeff Leach
- Valoree Swanson
- Matt Schaefer

Overall dollars contributed to campaigns from 01/01/17 - 10/27/18: $2,495,658
$1,234,785 toward wins
$1,260,873 toward, well, not wins.


Whew. That’s it. The whole enchilada.