#SyriaNotCivilWar #SiriaNotRevolution #SyriaInvasion #USLedCoalitionTerrorists #USLiars #SyriaTruth
"A review of press reports in the weeks immediately preceding & following the mid-March 2011 outbreak of riots in Daraa- usually recognized as the beginning of the uprising-offers no indication that Syria was in the grips revolutionary whether anti-neo-liberal or otherwise".
"On the contrary, reporters representing Time magazine and the New York Times referred to the government as having broad support, of critics conceding that Assad was popular, and of Syrians exhibiting little interest in protest".
"At the same time, they described the unrest as a series of riots involving hundreds, and not thousands or tens of thousands of people, guided by a largely Islamist agenda and exhibiting a violent character".
"Time magazine reported that two jihadist groups that would later play lead roles in the insurgency, Jabhat al-Nusra and Ahrar al-Sham, were already in operation on the eve of the riots, while a mere three months earlier,"
"leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood voiced: "their hope for a civil revolt in Syria.” "
"The Muslim Brothers, who had decades earlier declared a blood feud with Syria’s ruling Ba’athist Party, objecting violently to the party’s secularism, had been embroiled in a life and death struggle with secular Arab nationalists since the 1960s"
"& had engaged in street battles with Ba’athist partisans from the late 1940s. (In one such battle, Hafez al-Assad, the current president’s father, who himself would serve as president from 1970 to 2000, was knifed by a Muslim Brother adversary.)"
"Washington had conspired to purge Arab nationalist influence from Syria as early as the mid-1950s, when Kermit Roosevelt, who engineered the overthrow of Iran’s prime minister Mohammad Mossadegh for nationalizing his country’s oil industry, "
"plotted with British intelligence to stir up the Muslim Brothers to overthrow a triumvirate of Arab nationalist and communist leaders in Damascus who Washington and London perceived as threatening Western economic interests in the Middle East."
"Washington funnelled arms to Brotherhood mujahedeen in the 1980s to wage urban guerrilla warfare against Hafez al-Assad, who hardliners in Washington called an “Arab communist.”
"All three states were targeted by Washington for the same reason: their Arab nationalist commitments clashed fundamentally with the US imperialist agenda of US global leadership."
"Bashar al-Assad’s refusal to renounce Arab nationalist ideology dismayed Washington, which complained about his socialism, the third part of the Ba’athists’ holy trinity of values".
"If Assad was championing neo-liberalism, as Draitser and others contend, it somehow escaped the notice of Washington and Wall Street, which complained about “socialist” Syria and the country’s decidedly anti-neoliberal economic policies".
A Death Feud Heats Up With US Assistance
-Stephen Gowans-
"In late January 2011, a page was created on Facebook called The Syrian Revolution 2011. It announced that a “Day of Rage” would be held on February 4 and 5. The protests “fizzled,” reported Time. The Day of Rage amounted to a Day of Indifference".
"Moreover, the connection to Syria was tenuous. Most of the chants shouted by the few protesters who attended were about Libya, demanding that Muammar Gaddafi—whose government was under siege by Islamist insurrectionists—step down".
"Plans were set for new protests on March 4 & March 5, but they too garnered little support.
Time’s correspondent Rania Abouzeid attributed the failure of the protest organizers to draw significant support to the fact that most Syrians were not opposed to their government".
"Assad had a favorable reputation, especially among the two-thirds of the population under 30 years of age, and his government’s policies were widely supported".
“Even critics concede that Assad is popular and considered close to the country’s huge youth cohort, both emotionally, ideologically and, of course, chronologically,”
"Abouzeid reported, adding that unlike “the ousted pro-American leaders of Tunisia and Egypt, Assad’s hostile foreign policy toward Israel, strident support for Palestinians and the militant groups Hamas and Hezbollah are in line with popular Syrian sentiment.”
"Assad, in other words, had legitimacy".
"Time correspondent added that Assad’s driving himself to the Umayyad Mosque in Feb to take part in prayers Prophet Muhammad’s birthday, strolling through the crowded Souq Al-Hamidiyah marketplace with a low security profile had helped to endear him personally to the public.”
"This depiction of the Syrian president a leader endeared to the public ideologically in sync with popular Syrian sentiment clashed starkly with the discourse that would emerge shortly after the eruption of violent protests in the Syrian town of Daraa less than 2 weeks later"
"and would become implanted in the discourse of US leftists, including Draitser. But on the eve of the signal Daraa events, Syria was being remarked upon for its quietude."
"No one “expects mass uprisings in Syria,” Abouzeid reported, “and, despite a show of dissent every now and then, very few want to participate.”
"A Syrian youth told Time:
“There is a lot of government help for the youth.
They give us free books,
free schools,
free universities.”
(Hardly the picture of the neo-liberal state Draitser paints.)"
"She continued: “Why should there be a revolution? There’s maybe a one percent chance.”
The New York Times shared this view.
Syria, the newspaper reported, “seemed immune to the wave of uprisings sweeping the Arab world.” Syria was distemper-free."
"But on March 17, there was a violent uprising in Daraa. There are conflicting accounts of who or what sparked it. Time reported that the “rebellion in Daraa was provoked by the arrest of a handful of youths for daubing a wall with anti-regime graffiti.”"
"The Independent’s Robert Fisk offered a slightly different version. He reported that “government intelligence officers beat and killed several boys who had scrawled anti-government graffiti on the walls of the city.”"
"Another account holds that the factor that sparked the uprising in Daraa that day was extreme & disproportionate use of force by Syrian security forces in response to demonstrations against the boys’ arrest."
"There “were some youngsters printing some graffiti on the wall, and they were imprisoned, and as their parents wanted them back, the security forces really struck back very, very tough.”"
"Another account, from the Syrian government, denies that any of this happened."
"Five years after the event, Assad told an interviewer that it “didn’t happen. It was only propaganda. I mean, we heard about them, we never saw those children that have been taken to prison that time. So, it was only a fallacious narrative.”
"But if there was disagreement about what sparked the uprising, there was little disagreement that the uprising was violent".
"New York Times reported that “Protesters set fire to the ruling Ba’ath Party’s headquarters and other government buildings…& clashed with police….In addition to the party headquarters, protesters burned the town’s main courthouse & a branch of the SyriaTel phone company.”"
"Time added that protesters set fire to the governor’s office, as well as to a branch office of a second cellphone company."
"The Syrian government’s news agency, SANA, posted photographs of burning vehicles on its Web site. Clearly, this wasn’t a peaceful demonstration, as it would be later depicted. Nor was it a mass uprising."
"Time reported that the demonstrators numbered in the hundreds, not thousands or tens of thousands".
"Assad reacted immediately to the Daraa ructions, announcing “a series of reforms."
"These reforms included:a salary increase for public workers, greater freedom for the news media & political parties & a reconsideration of the emergency rule,” a war-time restriction on political & civil liberties, invoked because Syria was officially at war with Israel."
"Before the end of April, the government would rescind “the country’s 48-year-old emergency law” and abolish “the Supreme State Security Court.”"

2011 Look at what the Western media show you.
Syria Hama 01.07.2011 Anti regime protest, people chanting for removal o...
2011 Look what the West media didn’t show you
Thousands of Syrians gathered in the contry in 2011 in support of President Bashar al Assad During the demonstration waved Syrian flags and chanted slogans in favour of Assad.
I would like to ask @BBCNews why they didn’t show this video in 2011? Why was it hidden? You are liars You are guilty of the war in Syria They should be arrested
BBC News - Damascus show of support for Syrian President Assad bbc.com/news/av/world-… … … …

US, UK and France are liars.
BBC News - Damascus show of support for Syrian President Assad
bbc.com/news/av/world-… … …

"Why did the government make these concessions? Because that’s what the Daraa protesters demanded".
"Protesters “gathered in and around Omari mosque in Daraa, chanting their demands: the release of all political prisoners…the abolition of Syria’s 48-year emergency law; more freedoms; and an end to pervasive corruption.”
"These demands were consistent with the call, articulated in early February on The Syrian Revolution 2011 Facebook page “to end the state of emergency in Syria and end corruption.”"
"A demand to release all political prisoners was also made in a letter signed by clerics posted on Facebook. The clerics’ demands included lifting the “state of emergency law releasing all political detainees halting harassment by the security forces & combating corruption.”"
"Releasing political detainees would amount to releasing jihadists, or, to use a designation current in the West, “Terrorists.”"
"The State Department had acknowledged that political Islam was the main opposition in Syria; jihadists made up the principal section of oppositionists likely to be incarcerated".
"Clerics demanding that Damascus release all political prisoners was equal in effect to the Islamic State demanding that Washington, Paris, and London release all Islamists detained in US, French and British prisons on terrorism charges."
"This wasn’t a demand for jobs and greater democracy, but a demand for the release from prison of activists inspired by the goal of bringing about an Islamic state in Syria."
"The call to lift the emergency law, similarly, appeared to have little to do with fostering democracy and more to do with expanding the room for jihadists and their collaborators to organize opposition to the secular state."
"A week after the outbreak of violence in Daraa, Time’s Rania Abouzeid reported that “there do not appear to be widespread calls for the fall of the regime or the removal of the relatively popular President.”
"Indeed, the demands issued by the protesters and clerics had not included calls for Assad to step down. And Syrians were rallying to Assad".
“There were counterdemonstrations in the capital in support of the President,” reportedly far exceeding in number the hundreds of protesters who turned out in Daraa to burn buildings and cars and clash with police."
"By April 9—less than a month after the Daraa events—Time reported that a string of protests had broken out and that Islam was playing a prominent role in them."
"For anyone who was conversant with the decades-long succession of strikes, demonstrations, riots, and insurrections the Muslim Brotherhood had organized against what it deemed the “infidel” Ba’athist government, this looked like history repeating itself."
"The protests weren‘t reaching a critical mass. On the contrary, the government continued to enjoy “the loyalty” of “a large part of the population,” reported Time."
"Islamists played a lead role in drafting the Damascus Declaration in the mid-2000s, which demanded regime change."
"In 2007, the Muslim Brothers, the archetypal Sunni political Islamist movement, which inspired Al-Qaeda and its progeny, Jabhat al Nusra and Islamic State, teamed up with a former Syrian vice-president to found the National Salvation Front."
"The front met frequently with @StateDeptm, US National Security Council & US government-funded Middle East Partnership Initiative, which did openly what the CIA once did covertly, financing & expertise to fifth columnists in countries whose governments Washington opposed."
voltairenet.org/a185085 [Voltaire Network]

General Wesley Clark (11/09/2011): Wars Were Planned - Seven Countries In Five Years
"By 2009, just two years before the eruption of unrest throughout the Arab world, the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood denounced the Arab nationalist government of Bashar al-Assad as a foreign and hostile element in Syrian society which needed to be eliminated".
"According to the group’s thinking the Alawite community to which Assad belonged & which the Brothers regarded as heretics used secular Arab nationalism as a cover to furtively advance a sectarian agenda to destroy Syria from within by oppressing “true” (i.e, Sunni) Muslims".
"In the name of Islam, the heretical regime would have to be overthrown."
"A mere three months before the 2011 outbreak of violence in Syria, scholar Liad Porat wrote a brief for the Crown Center for Middle East Studies, based at Brandeis University".
“The movement’s leaders,” the scholar concluded, “continue to voice their hope for a civil revolt in Syria, wherein ‘the Syrian people will perform its duty and liberate Syria from the tyrannical and corrupt regime"."
"The Brotherhood stressed that it was engaged in a fight to the death with the secular Arab nationalist government of Bashar al-Assad. A political accommodation with the government was impossible because its leaders were not part of the Sunni Muslim Syrian nation".
"Membership in the Syrian nation was limited to true Muslims, the Brothers contended, and not Alawite heretics who embraced such foreign un-Islamic creeds as secular Arab nationalism."
"That the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood played a key role in the uprising that erupted three months later was confirmed in 2012 by the US Defense Intelligence Agency".
"A leaked report from the agency said that the insurgency was sectarian and led by the Muslim Brotherhood and Al-Qaeda in Iraq, the forerunner of Islamic State. The report went on to say that the insurgents were supported by the West, Arab Gulf oil monarchies and Turkey".
"The analysis correctly predicted the establishment of a “Salafist principality,” an Islamic state, in Eastern Syria, noting that this was desired by the insurgency’s foreign backers, who wanted to see the secular Arab nationalists isolated and cut-off from Iran".
"Documents prepared by US Congress researchers in 2005 revealed that the US government was actively weighing regime change in Syria long before the Arab Spring uprisings of 2011,"
"challenging the view that US support for the Syrian rebels was based on allegiance to a “democratic uprising” and showing that it was simply an extension of a long-standing policy of seeking to topple the government in Damascus".
"Indeed, the researchers acknowledged that the US government’s motivation to overthrow the secular Arab nationalist government in Damascus was unrelated to democracy promotion in the Middle East".
"In point of fact, they noted that Washington’s preference was for secular dictatorships (Egypt) and monarchies (Jordan and Saudi Arabia.)"
"The impetus for pursuing regime change, according the researchers was a desire to sweep away an impediment to the achievement of US goals in the Middle East related to strengthening Israel consolidating US domination of Iraq & fostering open market free enterprise economies"
Democracy was never a consideration If Assad was promoting neo-liberal policies in Syria as Draitser contends it’s difficult to understand why Washington cited Syria’s refusal to embrace the US agenda of open markets & free enterprise as a reason to change Syria’s government"
"To underscore the point that the protests lacked broad popular support on April 22 more than a month after the Daraa riot, the New York Times’ Anthony Shadid reported that: "the protests, so far seemed to fall short of the popular upheaval of revolutions in Egypt & Tunisia""
"In other words, more than a month after only hundreds—and not thousands or tens of thousands—of protesters rioted in Daraa, there was no sign in Syria of a popular Arab Spring upheaval".
"The uprising remained a limited, prominently, Islamist affair. By contrast, there had been huge demonstrations in Damascus in support of—not against—the government,"
"Assad remained popular, and, according to Shadid, the government commanded the loyalty of “Christian and heterodox Muslim sects.” Shadid wasn’t the only Western journalist who reported that Alawites, Ismailis, Druze and Christians were strongly backing the government".
"Times’ Rania Abouzeid observed that the Ba’athists “could claim the backing of Syria’s substantial minority groups.”
The reality that the Syrian government commanded the loyalty of Christian and heterodox Muslim sects,"
"as the New York Times’ Shadid reported, suggested that Syria’s religious minorities recognized something about the uprising that the Western press under-reported (and revolutionary socialists in the United States missed),"
"namely, that it was driven by a sectarian Sunni Islamist agenda which, if brought to fruition, would have unpleasant consequences for anyone who wasn’t considered a “true” Muslim".
"For this reason, Alawites, Ismailis, Druze and Christians lined up with the Ba’athists who sought to bridge sectarian divisions as part of their programmatic commitment to fostering Arab unity".
"The slogan “Alawis to the grave & Christians to Beirut?” chanted during demonstrations in those days only confirmed the point that the uprising was a continuation of the death feud that Sunni political Islam had vowed to wage against the secular Arab nationalist government,"
"and was not a mass upheaval for democracy or against neo-liberalism. If indeed it was any of these things, how would we explain that a thirst for democracy & opposition to neo-liberalism were present only in the Sunni community & absent in those of religious minorities?"
"Surely, a democratic deficit & neoliberal tyranny, if they were present at all & acted as triggers of a revolutionary upsurge, would have crossed religious lines".
That Alawites Ismailis Druze & Christians didn’t demonstrate & that riots were Sunni-based with Islamist content points strongly to the insurrection from the very beginning representing the recrudescence of the long running Sunni jihadist campaign against Ba’athist secularism
“From the very beginning the Assad government said it was engaged in a fight with militant Islamists.”
"The long history of Islamist uprisings against Ba’athism prior to 2011 certainly suggested this was very likely the case & the way in which the uprising subsequently unfolded, as an Islamist-led war against the secular state, only strengthened the view".
"Other evidence, both positive and negative, corroborated Assad’s contention that the Syrian state was under attack by jihadists (just as it had been many other times in the past.)".
"The negative evidence, that the uprising wasn’t a popular upheaval against an unpopular government, was inhered in Western media reports which showed that Syria’s Arab nationalist government was popular and commanded the loyalty of the population."
"By contrast, anti-government demonstrations, riots and protests were small-scale, attracting far fewer people than did a mass demonstration in Damascus in support of the government, and certainly not on the order of the popular upheavals in Egypt and Tunisia".
"What’s more, the protesters’ demands centered on the release of political prisoners (mainly jihadists) and the lifting of war-time restrictions on the expression of political dissent, not calls for Assad to step down or change the government’s economic policies".
"The positive evidence came from Western news media accounts which showed that Islam played a prominent role in the riots".
"Also, while it was widely believed that armed Islamist groups only entered the fray subsequent to the initial spring 2011 riots—and in doing so “hijacked” a “popular uprising”
"in point of fact, two jihadist groups which played a prominent role in the post-2011 armed revolt against secular Arab nationalism, Ahrar- al-Sham & Jabhat al-Nusra, were both active at the beginning of 2011".
"Ahrar al-Sham “started working on forming brigades…well before mid-March, 2011, when the” Daraa riot occurred, according to Time".
"Jabhat al-Nusra, the al-Qaeda affiliate in Syria, “was unknown until late January 2012, when it announced its formation… [but] it was active for months before then.”
Ex-CIA Agent: America creates its own enemies
How America Creates Its Own Enemies: ISIS, Terrorism, Insecurity | Willi...
Ex-CIA Agent: America creates its own enemies
Does the U.S. Create Terrorists?
Hillary Clinton : We created Al-Qaeda
Let's see, did she say that?
Hillary Clinton: 'We Created al-Qaeda'
Obama Admits US Gov't Created ISIS
Obama:"there are none in Syria, & we don’t have ground forces in sufficient Nº to simply march to Raqqa & Syria & clane the hole out & as a consequence we've always understood that our goal has to be miliyarily constraining ISIS capabilities cutting off their suply lines.."
This is the truth. The pure and raw truth!
Obama Admits US Gov't Created ISIS
John McCain Hillary Clinton America FUNDING & ARMING Al-Qaeda ISIS
The great hypocrisy of the world, the great powers think they have every right to attack and finance terrorism in a country that has never attacked them!
John McCain Makes Secret Syria Trip, Crosses Borders to Speak With Rebels
The Great Hypocrisy of the World, the US-led coalition, creates terrorists, arm them, train them, fund them. Terrorists commit suicides attacks and the US-led coalition blame the Syrian government?
Sen. John McCain meets with Free Syrian Army leader
By @ahmadalissa
Imagine a "revolution" in your country by "rebels" not from your country, armed by the enemies of your country to murder your own people & destroy your country: This is what's happening in #Syria (look at them: Non-Syrian)

#SyriaNotCivilWar #SiriaNotRevolution #SyriaInvasion #USLedCoalitionTerrorists #USLiars #SyriaTruth