Smart money says she’ll win there too, although it's unclear if she has the numbers just yet. (1)
And then there are Dems who simply think the party needs a new public face. (2)
What is still getting lost IMHO is how well Pelosi manages a caucus and whether would-be successors would do it better. (3)
Key players, friend and foe, all agree: It wouldn’t have passed without her. (4)
They had a lot to say and we couldn’t get all of it into the article. (5)
Turns out there's no magic formula. It's really basic stuff. (6)
@CecileRichards put it this way: (7)

This happened w/the public option, per Henry Waxman.… (9)

Here's Max Baucus… (10)

That bit about Ginger Rogers, dancing backwards and on heels? Throw in no sleep, and you get Pelosi. (11)
Obviously the other critiques of her may be valid, and more important. But these basic qualifications for speaker probably matter too. (12)