-50 would be women, 50 would be men.
-14 would be Americans, 15 would be African, 11 Europeans and 60 would be Asians.
-The biggest chunk would be 25 to 54 years old; the next largest 0-14; the smallest group is above 65. /1
-More people (12) speak Mandarin than else, followed by Spanish (6), English (5), Hindi (4), and Arabic (3). The rest speak 6,500 other languages.
-86 can read and write; 14 cannot. /2
-87 have clean water; 13 do not.
-77 have shelter; 23 do not.
-44 have internet, 56 do not, but 75 have a smart phone and only 25 do not.
-Only 7 attended college, so 93 did not.