The last bit is important, and I think people (even in the industry) don't full get that yet. Let's talk systems /1
To oversimplify a bit, on the Elizabeth line the decisions will happen ON THE TRAIN as much as at track side. /4
Not any more though /6
Because none of the old rules of working apply /8
Railways aren't just one system integration project any more kids. They're TWO - trackside AND trainside. /9
1) New
2) Hard
All these issues have to be picked through. /11
But it is hard. It is new. It is taking time.
And it's not a problem you can throw money at to solve. /12
The project's going to cost what everyone said it would to begin with /13
Remember, you can read our full breakdown of Crossrail's problems here:…
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And, as it's Xmas, if you want to buy me a coffee you can do so here! /END