So, I have chronic pain. And when we lived in Indiana, my docs prescribed me Vicodin to deal with it.
I took it for, I want to say about 10 years?
It took exactly no time before my body became physically addicted to the nighttime dose.
I suddenly REQUIRED Vicodin at night or I’d have withdrawals.
Here’s where things get weird.
At one appt. I threw down and said I did NOT want to be on opiates anymore, so fix it.
It was implied this was one of those anti-inflammatory patches and went with it.
I felt. Like I. Was. Dying.
For what?
Because they were going to prescribe me more than 59 pills a month of Percocet a month to wean me off, and that meant I would have to register with the state.
I was a rage fire and top-decibel screaming “I AM TRYING TO GET OFF THESE MEDS WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO MAKE ME TAKE MORE?!?!”
Has this happened to others?