A new trove of internal documents shows how they hid this abuse. And sent many of them to retire in a house on the @GonazagaU campus. revealnews.org/article/these-…
That abuser, Boudreau said, was James Poole.
Court filings point to more than 20 victims, both children and young women.
In the early 2000’s, hundreds of civil lawsuits alleging abuse were filed in Alaska and the Northwest against the Jesuits.
“We see a wholesale slaughter of generations by the Jesuits in Alaska.”
In Alaska, there are more than 300 childhood victims of clergy sex abuse. All are Native.
It’s called Cardinal Bea House, and over 32 years, it housed at least 20 accused priests.

Whitney said he did not inform Gonzaga administrators or police in Spokane about Poole’s history after moving him into Cardinal Bea House.
While we learned of no reports of residents abusing Gonzaga students, the restrictions were not rigorously enforced.