w. origins in medieval england, it’s sometimes known as plum pudding or just "pud" #happyfoodmas #avaeats

christmas pudding consists of dried fruits held together by egg +suet (raw, hard beef fat) moistened w. molasses +flavored w. cinnamon, clove, nutmeg, ginger +other spices #happyfoodmas #avaeats
#happyfoodmas #avaeats
however, recipes for plum puddings appear mainly, if not entirely, in the 17th century + later #happyfoodmas #avaeats
#happyfoodmas #avaeats
for those who don’t know, the sunday before advent is around the end of november
#happyfoodmas #avaeats

many families keep one back from christmas to be eaten at another celebration later, often at easter.
some families even eat the pudding from the christmas before #happyfoodmas #avaeats
come back tomorrow for our next stop on the #HappyFoodmas tour around the world w. @EatWithNia #avaeats