There were 9,357 reported protests in 2018
Almost all of the 80 million strong population opposes the ruling system.
The demonstrators have one ultimate demand and that is an end to the current system that has ruled Iran with an iron fist for close to 40 years, destroying the economy and the environment.
Jan: 643 recorded protests
Feb: 596 recorded protests
March: 422 recorded protest
The nationwide uprising which spread to 142 cities, started on December 28, 2017 and continued into January 2018.
April : 452 recorded protests
May : 1,093 recorded protests
June: 475 recorded protests
July : 970 recorded protests
Aug : 622 recorded protests in 133 cities, villages, and business and industry regions in Iran with an average of 20 protests per day.
Sep:1,367 protests in 293 cities
Oct: 1,533 reported protests in 323 cities , the highest number of protests during 2018
Nov: 911 reported protests in 171 cities
Dec; 273 reported protests up to December 21
The regime heightened its crackdown on labor activists & detained workers.