-Day 7 of the #TrumpShutdown
-Threatens 2 Close Southern Border
-Seeks 2 Hijack Pelosi’s Big Moment
-Coast Guard Won't Get Next Check
-Pence Lowers the Demand to $2.5B
-Rolls Back Mercury Emission Limits
-VA Sat on Suicide Prevention Funds

Day 663 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.
The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #TrumpLies

Day 453 since the deadliest mass shooting on U.S soil in Las Vegas that killed 58, injuring 546.
Although a bump stock ban takes effect in 81 days, Congress must take action to prevent future mass shootings. #NeverForget #NeverAgain #EnoughIsEnough

In 2019, gun violence survivors want Congress to finally pass universal background checks.
Leading veterans are taking a stand against gun violence.
They know that in the fight to save lives, there is no other side.
Trump’s VA failed to spend millions of dollars that were allocated for suicide prevention. Of the $6.2 million set aside for suicide prevention media outreach, only $57k—less than 1%—was actually used.
20 Vets commit suicide a day. Most use a gun.
Things didn't get any better between the White House and its press corps this year politico.com/story/2018/12/…
FYI: The Trump admin has quietly resumed separating immigrant families at the border.
At one agency, the children were put into temporary foster care and shelters with little or no indication that they arrived at the border with their parents: propub.li/2QcsPvY
Reminder: The Trump administration is systematically locking up thousands of children at unheard of rates - now almost 15,000 are in U.S. custody.
The government classifies these children as "unaccompanied"
@itscaitlinhd says that detained migrant children who she interviewed for NYT are "very much still sitting with this experience every day," and that workers at migrant shelters tell kids, "if you don't behave better, you might not ever see your parents again." @Morning_Joe
GOP Rep. Peter King praised ICE's "excellent record" since "only two children" have died in recent memory.
"These are the only two children that have died ... considering what happen in housing projects ... I think ICE has an excellent record."
A timber company in Africa. A commodities trader in Singapore. A Russian oil supplier. Inside North Korea's shadowy alternative financial system. on.wsj.com/2CF6bnT
This is how the North Korean regime moves millions of dollars around the world--despite sanctions and pressure on international banks.
Russia tells U.S. not to interfere in Saudi Crown Prince MBS becoming King, despite Khashoggi murder bit.ly/2CBcNnh

We are Jamal Khashoggi’s daughters. We promise his light will never fade. washingtonpost.com/opinions/globa…
Day 7 since Congress & Trump have not agreed on a spending bill.
Government agencies are now shut down.
More than 420,000 government workers to work without pay, including 41,000 federal law enforcement and correctional officers. #TrumpShutdown

We’ve gone from Mexico will pay for the wall to shutting down business with our third largest trading partner, $587 billion a year, if Americans don’t pay for the wall.
This would crush commerce!
Donald Trump threatens to close the U.S.-Mexico border as the partial government shutdown appears likely to stretch into 2019
Trump is tapping into a real grievance — the majority of Americans rightly believe the system is stacked against them.
But Trump has convinced millions that culprits are desperately poor Hondurans fleeing violence & not plutocrats like himself.
Trump used the killing of Mollie Tibbetts to rail against illegal immigration.
Her mother chose a different path. wapo.st/2CCxK15
@BetoORourke posts a pointed 50-second video that takes it to Trump on what will be perhaps the most potent issue in 2020.
Privately, Democratic sources say they think desperation is fueling Trump's latest threat to completely shut down the border.
They're taking it as a sign that they're winning the messaging war.
It seems Trump is willing to back off his $5 billion demand after all.
Pence offered Schumer a compromise last weekend, lowering the ask to $2.5 billion, sources told NBC News.
It wasn't accepted.
Liberal groups, ACLU, Indivisible and immigration activists push Dem leaders to take harder line in shutdown talks.
They want Pelosi and Schumer to give Trump *$0 dollars* for border fencing, per letter sent to leaders
The Office of Personnel Mgmt tweeted advice to furloughed federal workers on how to explain their situation to creditors and landlords—including one sample letter with the suggestion that they offer to perform chores in exchange for rent payments. thedailybeast.com/trump-administ…
The Trump administration is recommending that furloughed federal workers offer to perform maintenance work in lieu of rent during the shutdown.
Coast Guard members won't get final paycheck of the year due to government shutdown
Because of the #TrumpShutdown, lifesaving and groundbreaking research at our federal labs is grinding to a halt and potentially hampering decades of progress.
Shame on this administration.
Among Trump allies and inside the WH there is a growing appetite to keep the shutdown going, in part because they feel it messes up Pelosi’s return to the speakership and overshadows her agenda
@NancyPelosi can multi task.
Republicans ending this Congress just like they spent so many days in 2017-18: hiding from a fight that Trump picked as he neglects to tout their accomplishments.
General Mattis has long tried to protect the military from being a pawn in the nation’s tribal politics. Mattis is now out, and Trump made a surprise trip to Iraq where he was criticized for attacking Dems and signing #MAGA hats washingtonpost.com/world/national…
Republicans are happy to run against any progressive who tries to compete with Trump at the game he perfected.
But they desperately fear a Dem who might reconstitute @BarackObama’s coalition. vanityfair.com/news/2018/12/w…
"Somebody does need to challenge [Trump]," from within the GOP in 2020, outgoing Republican Sen. @JeffFlake, who did not rule out running himself.
"[T]he country needs to be reminded what it means to be conservative... what it means to be decent."
A Russian bank gave Marine Le Pen's party a 9.4M-euro loan. Then weird things happened.
The money is maybe the best evidence Russian influence ops abroad involve not only Internet trolls and military adventurism but also secretive financing.
Trump UN ambassador pick, a former Fox News host, faces questions about her qualifications
"Does it matter that the spouse of a SCOTUS justice is sharing such nakedly partisan, erroneous propaganda? Or have we hit the point this kind of rhetoric has been so normalized that, well, why wouldn't a prominent party activist be doing this?" washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/styl…
As he flew first-class at taxpayer expense, Scott Pruitt downsized EPA six percent -- cutting 245 scientists, 116 engineers, 237 environmental protection specialists. A @eilperin @brady_dennis @jdawsey1 deep dive: wapo.st/2EKQBcC?tid=ss…
The Trump administration on Friday said limits on mercury emissions from coal-fired power plants were unnecessary and too costly.
The EPA proposed new rules for assessing pollution that would make it easier for power plants to release mercury and other toxic substances nyti.ms/2CE50oK
Trump jokingly congratulated acting EPA chief for not acting like Pruitt: report hill.cm/9Ah5vHl
As Sears struggles to stay in business, the company has announced an additional round of 80 store closings -- 43 Sears and 37 Kmart stores
Poll: Most voters say Trump should be either impeached or censured hill.cm/bFCi75H
Trump has arrived at the VP’s residence at the Naval Observatory for dinner with Pence, Mulvaney and Kushner
Democrats are publicly talking up legislative priorities like health care and voting rights, but they are also quietly preparing for what will likely be the largest congressional investigation of a sitting president in recent memory
In case you missed yesterday's thread: