-Day 15 of the #TrumpShutdown
-Doesn't Care Fed Workers Not Paid
-Taking Concrete Wall "Off the Table"
-Lashes Out in Profanity-Laced Mtg
-Demonstrably Unfit for the Office
-Interior Dept Refuses FOIA Requests
-Pentagon Chief of Staff Resigns

Day 671 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.
The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #TrumpLies

Day 461 since the deadliest mass shooting on U.S soil in Las Vegas that killed 58, injuring 546.
Although a bump stock ban takes effect in 73 days, Congress must take action to prevent future mass shootings. #NeverForget #NeverAgain #EnoughIsEnough

A fight escalated into a shooting that killed three people and injured four others last night at the Gable House Bowl, a bowling alley and arcade in Torrance, Calif.
It’s a new era for gun safety. And universal background checks is an important first step.
A bipartisan bill will be introduced next week—on the anniversary of the Tucson shooting that killed 6 people and injured 13 others #HR8
FYI: The Trump admin has quietly resumed separating immigrant families at the border.
At one agency, the children were put into temporary foster care and shelters with little or no indication that they arrived at the border with their parents: propub.li/2QcsPvY
Reminder: The Trump administration is systematically locking up thousands of children at unheard of rates - now almost 15,000 are in U.S. custody.
The government classifies these children as "unaccompanied"
Trump reminds us that federal prosecutors implicated him in two crimes involving a hush-money scheme to silence his affairs in an effort to help his election prospects
Re: Trump's tweet, remember what George Conway, Kellyanne's husband, wrote:
"Trump's claim that he didn't violate campaign finance law is weak — and dangerous. The case against [Trump] would be far stronger than the case against John Edwards was." washingtonpost.com/outlook/2018/1…
One of the biggest fines of all time for a campaign finance violation was paid by Jared Kushner's father.
He also went to prison for it.
"President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s handling of the Jamal Khashoggi affair indicates that Turkey wants to claim Saudi Arabia’s leading position in the Sunni Islamic world" | Lina Khatib ow.ly/1Aae30nc3qy
One of Jared’s largest financial assets is the company Cadre. You know, the company that sought a $100 million investment from a Saudi-backed fund.
Day 15 since Congress & Trump have not agreed on a spending bill.
Government agencies are now shut down.
More than 420,000 government workers to work without pay, including 41,000 federal law enforcement and correctional officers. #TrumpShutdown

As we wind down day 15 of the #TrumpShutdown, let's not forget:
"I will be the one to shut it down. I'm not going to blame you for it."
Along with saying the word "fuck" at least 3 times throughout the White House meeting, Trump bizarrely stated that he didn't want to call the government shutdown a "shutdown." He wanted to call it a "strike," Daily Beast reports.
DC Mayor Bowser says she will send a bill to the federal government for the trash services the city has provided on the National Mall during the shutdown nbc4dc.com/5S0Uewa
Trump’s advisers came up with the “Wall” as a memory device to keep him from forgetting immigration in his campaign speeches.
Now it is boxing in his entire presidency.
Former Presidents Bush, Obama, Clinton: We didn't talk to Trump about border wall.
Why did Rs decline to give Trump a border wall in 2017-18, as Ds decline to now?
TX GOP Rep Will Hurd, whose district spans 42% of US-Mexico border, on securing it:
“best way is technology/manpower. wall is most expensive/least effective”
Sen. Jack Reed: "The idea that Trump is considering declaring a phony national emergency ... in order to pay for his wall should alarm all Americans ... Our troops and taxpayers should not bear the burden of a broken, preposterous campaign promise."
Numerous flaws in a DOJ report linking foreign-born residents to terrorism, but government says it has no obligation to correct them.
The DOJ cited a figure for sex offenses by immigrants from 2003 to 2009. In fact, the data spanned 1955 to 2010. DOJ says it has no duty to correct. washingtonpost.com/world/national…
Pence, WH officials, senior Hill aides meet to try and broker end to shutdown, altho few expect a breakthrough -- Pence doesn't even have Trump's blessing to float new numbers for a deal.
Mulvaney says Trump offering to take concrete wall "off the table" to compromise with Democrats over shutdown hill.cm/OfvHBpG
Key line of this story: "Millions of Americans also face delayed tax refunds and cuts to food stamps if the standoff drags into February."
Nora Brooks, an IRS customer svc rep in PA, is "worrying about whether she'll need to seek a second job," now that she's furloughed. "The agency requires pre-approval to avoid conflicts of interest, but there's no one in the office to sign off."
Seeking to force Senate R defections, Pelosi says: “Next week, House Democrats will begin passing individual appropriations bills to re-open all government agencies, starting with the appropriations bill that covers the Department of the Treasury and the I.R.S.”
“The big picture is simple: The United States has never had a president as demonstrably unfit for the office as Trump. And it’s becoming clear that 2019 is likely to be dominated by a single question: What are we going to do about it?” nytimes.com/2019/01/05/opi…
"The risks that he will cause much more harm are growing. For the country’s sake, there is only one acceptable outcome, just as there was after Americans realized in 1974 that a criminal was occupying the Oval Office. The president must go."
Removing Donald Trump from office will not be easy, but it’s not as unlikely as it may sometimes seem, writes @DLeonhardt
Nancy Pelosi on the expletive used by Rashida Tlaib in calling for Trump's impeachment: "Let me just ask you this, if she were a man would they be making a fuss like that?"
Reminder as Trump says that Rashida Tlaib "dishonored" the country with her "impeach the motherf*cker" remark, Kanye West said "crazy motherf*cker" in the Oval Office in front of Trump. Via CNN.
Pentagon Chief of Staff has resigned. "After two years in the Pentagon, I've decided the time is right to return to the private sector. It has been an honor to serve again alongside the men and women of the Department of Defense," said Rear Adm Kevin Sweeney, USN (Ret.)
Pentagon Chief of Staff Rear Adm Kevin Sweeney, USN resigns 5 days following Secretary of Defense James Mattis' resignation and a day after Trump's suggestion he could declare a "national emergency" to build his wall.
A Trump supporter got arrested at Elizabeth Warren’s Storm Lake event for allegedly hitting an attendee with a selfie stick after the attendee tried to pull down a Trump banner the man held up.
“Trump 2020!” he said as police held him.
A former employee of the Trump National Golf Club in New Jersey said that her name was removed from a list of workers to be vetted by the Secret Service after she reminded management that she was unlawfully in the United States, NYT reports. nytimes.com/2019/01/03/us/…
“The truth is I’m actually a modest person. Very modest. It’s true.”
At Camp David this weekend, Acting WH Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney hosts policy retreat with senior WH staff to discuss 2019 agenda objectives. @PressSec says they'll be joined Sunday by Trump. This will mark Trump's 8th trip to Camp David. He was there last there in June.
House Dems should make it their top priority to obtain Trump's tax returns and release them to the public, Americans for Tax Fairness argues in a new report obtained by NBC News, calling it "a legitimate exercise of Congress's oversight authority." nbcnews.com/politics/donal…
In case you missed yesterday's thread: