Lately I have become a bit obsessed with Britain’s trade deficit and Balance of Payments with the Rest of The World(ROW). Let me explain why, and what’s it got to do with #Brexit.
It happened around the same time Britain decided it did not want to join the Euro.
We no longer export as much as we import?
Let’s have a giant car boot sale!!
Et on charlatans, who wreaked havoc on our economy, while lording it over, had to find a scape goat.
In true fascist style, an easy target was found: Immigrants!
@jeremycorbyn has understood some of the problems, but unless he first fixes #Brexit, he’s on a hiding to nothing.
Look at who’s in the top ten and the bottom 10.
Where would we rather be?
Back in the EU fold or adrift alone in a globalised world?
Does anyone seriously think @LiamFox can fix this? That @jeremycorbyn can?

Et on charlatans, who wreaked havoc on our economy, while lording it over, had to find a scape goat.
In true fascist style, an easy target was found: Immigrants!
@jeremycorbyn has understood some of the problems, but unless he first fixes #Brexit, he’s on a hiding to nothing.
Eton charlatans, who wreaked havoc on our economy while lording it over, had to find a scapegoat.
In true fascist style, an easy target was found: EU Immigrants!
@jeremycorbyn has understood some of the problems, but unless he first fixes #Brexit, he’s on a hiding to nothing.
Look at who’s in the top ten and the bottom 10: Four EU countries!
Where is UK? In the bottom two!!
Where would we rather be?
Back in the EU fold or adrift alone in a globalised world?…