It’s a superb piece of content and is triggering all the right conversations. I recognise that value and the risk taken.
The Gillette brand has little relevance in modern society, and their business is under threat from upstarts like Harry’s.
They actually had nothing to lose.
But your commercial intent must be matched by a desire to contribute at a societal level too, in order to actually have real impact of value.
I have some concerns on this...
It’s following in the footsteps of brands like @Bonobos who’ve already taken the risk.
Gillette revenue in ‘17 was $6.5B.
BGCA revenue in ‘16, was $2B.
This $1m will barely make a dent in the BGCAs trajectory and influence or Gillette’s margins.
Glassdoor paints a picture of an archaic company culture. Nothing explicit about a toxic masculine environment, but read between the lines...
A reflection I believe of their commercially focussed intent.
It is vital, however, that we hold these brands accountable for matching emotive campaigns with meaningful, considered action.