The NYT, without a shred of due diligence, has unleashed the wrath of tens of thousands on these kids, but can't be bothered to issue a correction.
This isn't journalism; it's a race baiting diatribe on Trump and his supporters superimposed on a compelling freeze frame.
Original narrative:
· The highschool group surrounded Phillips, shouting "build the wall".
· When the situation "turned ugly", Phillips tried to retreat, but was blocked by the kid who's face has now been shamed before millions.
· The HS group was there ~1h before Phillips.
· "Build the wall" never shouted.
· Phillips intentionally marched into center of group.
· MAGA hat kid stood there, smiled, and walked away having said/done nothing.
· Adults shouted racist/homophobic slurs at kids.
An adult started pounding a drum just inches from a high schooler's face and then set him up for media-assisted national outage, and we're going to, what, drag him over his smile?
These are the journalists from NYT, WaPo, and more that just character assassinated a KID without so much as 5 seconds of research.
They didn't blink before publishing a story that will follow this kid for life, yet not one has retracted their story, published a correction, or so much as tweeted what really happened.
Light. Them. Up.
Unfortunately, as it turns out, these corrections still fall woefully short of honesty by both (still) overselling the kids' involvement, and underplaying what they were subjected to.
That said, the full mirror is on YT here:
The first hour sets a rather obnoxious stage, but I'll focus on the time period surrounding the confrontation with Phillips.
You can clearly see Phillips approach the group of boys, who had, for nearly an hour now, been standing in the same place. They do not encircle him, chant "build the wall", etc.
We pick back up at the 1h:15m mark, where the protestors start calling the high schoolers "future school shooters":
For all the handwringing from the media about what a racial confrontation this was, how on earth was THIS not the center piece?
(Well, we know why, but here it is, anyway...):
The reaction from the boys is about what you would normally have expected from the media, but red hat attacks are a bit more lucrative than homophobia, it seems:
Remember, Phillips claimed that this kid "blocked" him from "retreating" a group of kids shouting "build the wall":
What kind of a high schooler would say a thing like that after being harassed by adults for an hour, and then placed in the rather unusual situation of a random dude with a drum in your face? Obvious bigotry, that remark.