, 81 tweets, 28 min read Read on Twitter
Okay, now gonna lie, I kinda flopped early with a headache yesterday, so let's get started on today's Anne chapter. It's gonna be a very long one! #LainaReadsAnne
#LainaReadsAnne So, it's September, and school has been in session for a couple weeks. The way Anne and Diana walk there is super nice, gorgeous and also less dusty and hot than the main way.
#LainaReadsAnne Let me point this out. "Anne thought those walks to and from school with Diana couldn't be improved upon by imagination."

That's just sweet.

And also super queer am I wrong I am not
#LainaReadsAnne I'm also going to point this out. Anne has named the road they walk on, which is "the way the cows were taken to the back pasture, and the wood hauled home in winter", Lovers' Lane. The book Anne and Diana were sharing had one, and they wanted one too.
#LainaReadsAnne The name was just "so romantic".

Anne's big on things being romantic.
#LainaReadsAnne (Okay, serious note. I'm amusing myself by pointing out that Anne and Diana's friendship does read somewhat more... well, romantic, or just kinda queer in a modern context, but there could be a really interesting conversation here.)
#LainaReadsAnne ("Romantic" as a word has clearly changed so much over the years and that's interesting. Anne has also described the idea of nearly drowning but being rescued as romantic, among other things. Not my focus at the moment, but interesting linguistically.)
#LainaReadsAnne Also, the nature descriptions are so freaking good in this book. They make me miss the parts of the year when everything isn't covered in snow and so cold you can't breathe so much. I made a point to spend a little more time outside this summer/fall and I miss it.
#LainaReadsAnne I honestly can't represent how great the descriptions are in a tweet, and that's kind of a shame. HIGHLY recommend reading some yourself.
#LainaReadsAnne At first, Marilla was super nervous about sending Anne to school. She worried Anne wouldn't get along with the other kids, that they'd think she was odd, or that she'd get in trouble for talking to much/out of turn/whatever.
#LainaReadsAnne It's gone fine, though. Diana and Anne sit together and she likes the other girls a lot. (Remind me to keep an eye out for that in adaptations - for the most part Anne really gets along with girls her age.)
#LainaReadsAnne Educationally, Anne is a little bit behind and she can't spell worth a darn. Considering she's only gone to school for, what, maybe a year or two tops, combined? That's not bad, really. Otherwise it's been good and she's getting along well.
#LainaReadsAnne Another girl had school said that Anne had a very pretty nose and that's apparently the first compliment Anne has ever recieved in her life. Yeesh, poor kid. It gave her a "strange feeling."

*queer eyebrow raise* Did it, Anne?
#LainaReadsAnne Anne decides to ask Marilla is she agrees since she knows Marilla will be honest with her.

Amusingly, Marilla secretly thinks Anne's nose is a "remarkably pretty one" but only says it's "well enough".
#LainaReadsAnne The one thing Anne doesn't think much of about school is the teacher who... I also don't like.

You know, what, we're gonna put a bit of a sexual harassment/sexual abuse on the next tweet, because yeah.
#LainaReadsAnne So, CW: Sexual harassment/abuse

Phillips, the teacher, who doesn't get a "Mr" because I don't respect him, apparently spends a great deal of time curling his mustach and "making eyes" at Prissy Andrews.
#LainaReadsAnne Prissy Andrews is *sixteen* (and studying for the entrance exam at Charlottetown's Queen's Acedemy, you keep that up, Prissy). She sits at the back and most of the time he does, too, "to explain her lessons, he says".
#LainaReadsAnne Though apparently once he wrote something on her slate that made her blush and giggle.

Sooooo we're in consensus he's a creep, yes?
#LainaReadsAnne Marilla says Anne shouldn't criticize him or tell tales about him, but frankly I agree with Anne here.
#LainaReadsAnne So, back to today's "crisp September morning" (great phrase).

Diana brings up that a certain Gilbert Blythe will be back at school after a summer of visiting cousins. Diana says he's rather handsome and "teases the girls something terrible."
#LainaReadsAnne She says, "He just torments our lives out." But the book suggests she says it in a way that indicates she doesn't really mind the torment so much.
#LainaReadsAnne Anne asks if he's the one who's name is written up on the porch wall with Julia Bell's and a big "Take Notice" over them.

I guess that's kind of like the so-and-so are sitting in a tree thing? And sometimes the boys do it to kind of say they like a girl?
#LainaReadsAnne I dunno, not a thing I'm super familiar with honestly.

Anne dares someone to do that to her name, but also finds it a "little humiliating to know there was no danger of it".

(reposted these to not break the thread)
#LainaReadsAnne Diana has apparently "played such havoc with the hearts of Avonlea schoolboys that her name figured on the porch walls of half a dozen take-notices". She says nonsense, it's only a joke and Anne shouldn't be so sure it won't happen to her anyways.
#LainaReadsAnne Apparently a boy named Charlie Sloane told his MOTHER (oooooh) that Anne was the smartest girl in school. Diana thinks that's much better than being good looking (I mean, she would right? *waggles eyebrows*), but Anne isn't so sure.
#LainaReadsAnne Also poor Charlie Sloane apparently has goggle eyes so Anne's not interested anyways.

Sorry, Charlie.
#LainaReadsAnne Diana also warns Anne that she might have some competition as head of her class, as Gilbert is rather used to being in that spot.

He's almost fourteen, but only in the 4th book (which is also where Anne is) as four years ago Gilbert's father became ill.
#LainaReadsAnne They went to Alberta for three years for his health, and Gilbert didn't go to school much until they came back to Avonlea.

Side note, apparently Pye girls are "cheats all around". Not chapter relevant, but seems like it might come up later.
#LainaReadsAnne Gilbert is described as a "tall boy, with curly brown hair, roguish hazel eyes, and a mouth twisted into a teasing smile." His first act on page is to pin poor Ruby Gillis' hair to the back of her seat and then, when the commotion stops, winks at Anne.
#LainaReadsAnne Anne confides to Diana that Gilbert Blythe IS handsome, but his manners could use work.
#LainaReadsAnne So Phillips the creep is again in the back row with Prissy and the rest of the school is doing pretty much whatever they want. Anne is daydreaming, staring out the window at her Lake of Shining Waters (aka the Barry pond).
#LainaReadsAnne I gotta say, I absolutely adore this line. "Gibert Blythe was trying to make Anne Shirley look at him and failing utterly."

This is very much NOT an experience Gilbert is used to.
#LainaReadsAnne So he reaches across the aisle, picks up the end of Anne's braid, and whispers, "Carrots! Carrots!"

Anne leaps out of her seat, call him mean and hateful, and cracks her writing slate across Gilbert's head.

Literally. She actually cracks the slate.
#LainaReadsAnne If you EVER see an Anne adaptation that doesn't include this scene, well. It's not an Anne adaptation.
#LainaReadsAnne And let's be real, he did kinda deserve it.

(Mini-thread break, I've been doing this for an hour and I'm thirsty.)
#LainaReadsAnne Alright, I had a little snack, let's continue.

Phillips makes her stand in front of the chalkboard with "Ann Shirley has a very bad temper. Ann Shirley must learn to control her temper." written over his head because he is a dick.
#LainaReadsAnne Now here's the reason we don't actually hate Gilbert.

Immediately after she wallops him, like when he's probably still seeing stars, Gilbert defends her to their teacher. He *specifically* says that it was his fault because he teased her.
#LainaReadsAnne Also right after class, as soon as he can speak to her without them both getting in trouble, he apologizes for teasing her.

I also think it's kind of nice he does it quietly? The book says he whispers it, and like... he's not making a scene of it.
#LainaReadsAnne The apology to Anne is about Anne, not about everyone else around them.

Anne, however, does not forgive him. She's also livid that Phillips spelled her name without the E and says she'll never forgive him, either.
#LainaReadsAnne Apparently Gilbert has never apologized to a girl for teasing before - and the way Diana puts it, it doesn't seem like any of the other girls have gotten angry to the point where an apology would be needed, you know?
#LainaReadsAnne It seems like there's a dynamic that the school has that most of them are comfortable with, and even enjoy. Anne didn't want to be part of that dynamic, and no one really pushed back against that? She said stop, and Gilbert stopped and apologized.
#LainaReadsAnne I kinda appreciate that no one's doing a "boys will by boys" thing here.
#LainaReadsAnne The narrative says things might have blown over if this was all that had happened, but how often do things turn out THAT way?
#LainaReadsAnne So the students of Avonlea spend their noon hour (hey, do y'all in the US use that term still? We do here) picking gum in Mr Bell's spruce grove over the hill and across his big pasture.

Which unto itself is interesting eattheweeds.com/a-pitch-for-sp…
#LainaReadsAnne They can see where Phillips goes home for lunch and run back to school when he comes out the house. They, however, sometimes get there late as the distance from the grove to the school is three times longer than the lane he takes.
#LainaReadsAnne The day after the slate incident, he decides they need to all be in their seats when he gets back and anyone late will be punished.

The kids still go to the grove because they're kids and they lose track of time, because they're kids.
#LainaReadsAnne Honestly just ring a bell five minutes before you want them back. It's avonlea, it is NOT that big. Get over yourself, Phillips.

The girls get back first because they're on the ground, and the boys have to climb down from the trees.
#LainaReadsAnne Anne wasn't picking gum, but "wandering happily in the far end of the grove, waist deep among the bracken, singing softly to herself, with a wreath of rice lillies on her hair." So she's even further away than the other girls.
#LainaReadsAnne She can, however, run like the wind and "overtook the boys at the door and was swept into the schoolhouse among them just as Mr Phillips was in the act of hanging up his hat".

He's too lazy to punish the entire group of late students, probably a dozen of them.
#LainaReadsAnne But he, and the book specifically uses this word, needs a scapegoat.

And he finds one in Anne, who'd dropped into her seat still gasping for breath and with her flower wreath hanging over one ear.
#LainaReadsAnne He tells her to take the flowers out of her hair and to go sit with Gilbert Blythe, "since you seem to be so fond of the boys' company".

Which honestly seems like he's borderline slutshaming her or something for coming in the door with half her class.
#LainaReadsAnne For a moment, Anne looks like she'll disobey him, but she has no choice so she sits down next to Gilbert and immediately buries her face in her arms on the desk.

Bad enough:
- Being singled out among a dozen equally guilty

- Being forced to sit with a boy

- That boy being Gilbert Blyth
#LainaReadsAnne To his credit, Gilbert tries to make it as painless as possible for her. He focuses like painfully hard on his work, when he easily could be playing it up for attention, which Anne CLEARLY does not want right now.
#LainaReadsAnne He also at one point when no one's watching slips her a little candy heart that says, "You are sweet."
#LainaReadsAnne Anne stands up, crushes it under her foot, and goes back to sitting with her head on the desk.

Damn, son.
#LainaReadsAnne She stays like that the rest of the day, not even moving when she should change for history class.

Phillips doesn't notice her absence because he had been writing some verses "To Priscilla" and was thinking about an obstinate rhyme.

Have I mentioned I hate him?
#LainaReadsAnne When the day ends, Anne marches to her desk, takes everything out, and declares she's never coming back.

Quite rightly, Diana asks if Marilla will allow that, lol, and also says she'll miss Anne too much to stand.
#LainaReadsAnne Let's point out Anne's response. "I'd do almost anythin in the world for you, Diana," she says. "I'd let myself be torn limb from limb if it would do you any good."


But also no, she's out and she's not coming back.
#LainaReadsAnne One of those sad notes, Diana points out that Anne has never played ball. Like, that's just a bummer.
#LainaReadsAnne Obviously Marilla isn't having this, but Anne is being unyieldingly stubborn and Marilla very wisely decides to pick her battles for now.

She says, "I've an idea she can be awful stubborn if she takes the notion."


Pot, meet kettle.
#LainaReadsAnne Like you can't be JUST as stubborn as Anne when you put your mind to it, Marilla.

This is why Matthew had to interfere when Anne insulted Mrs Rachel Lynde.
#LainaReadsAnne Marilla does think that Phillips has been "carrying matters with a rather hand high" which was a phrase I actually had to look up, and means overbearing or domineering.

Of course, she isn't telling Anne that.
#LainaReadsAnne Speaking of Mrs Rachel, Marilla decides to go to her for advice, as she's sent 10 children to school.

Honestly this is a little shocking, but Mrs Rachel is on Anne's side!
#LainaReadsAnne She thinks that Anne did need to be punished for her temper which... you know, you kinda shouldn't hit people with blunt objects for insulting your hair. To be fair.
#LainaReadsAnne But she says the others who were late should have been punished too, instead of just singling Anne out, and she thinks making girls sit with boys for punishment "isn't modest".
#LainaReadsAnne And like clearly that's kinda messed up ideas of "modesty" and all that and we're not into it, but also clearly Anne was upset at the idea of sitting with a boy, and Phillips shouldn't be allowed to do something that would clearly make the girls very uncomfortable
#LainaReadsAnne Like if the girls aren't comfortable having boys sit so close, that should be respected.

(Remember the desk would be something like this where they would be very close)

(Image source: farmcollector.com/farm-life/one-… )
#LainaReadsAnne Mrs Rachel also says Anne is very popular with the other kids and that Marilla should humour Anne some and not mention school until she brings it up.

Marilla is a little shocked, and so am I honestly.
#LainaReadsAnne Mrs Rachel says letting Anne do her lessons at home "won't cause her to miss much" as "Mr Phillips isn't any good at all as a teacher".

#LainaReadsAnne She thinks the way he deals with the kids is "scandalous" and he "neglects the small fry and puts all his time on those big scholars he's getting ready for Queen's".
#LainaReadsAnne Mrs Rachel even says he wouldn't have got the school for another year at all if his uncle wasn't a trustee (on the school board, I assume) and she doesn't know what the state of education on the Island is coming to.
#LainaReadsAnne Honestly Mrs Rachel sounds like she'd be great to get drunk and gossip with.
#LainaReadsAnne So Anne stays home, does her lessons and chores, plays with Diana in the afternoons afterschool, and steadfastly ignores Gilbert Blythe, having decided to hate him forever.
#LainaReadsAnne Note this: "As much as she hated Gilbert, however, did she love Diana with all her passionate little heart, equally intense in its likes in dislikes."

Okay like obviously I'm noting that to a modern eye this looks queer af, but can we go back to this too?
#LainaReadsAnne Like why don't we get intense friendships like this in fiction anymore???? Platonic ones, I want more of this.
#LainaReadsAnne Marilla comes in to find Anne bitterly crying over the idea of Diana marrying one day and leaving Anne. "I love Diana so, Marilla. I cannot ever live without her."
#LainaReadsAnne She passionately declares how furiously she already hates Diana's future husband, and breaks down into sobs.

Marilla turns away to hide her "twitching face" but she can't stop herself from bursting into laughter and collapses into the nearest chair.
#LainaReadsAnne This is great. "Matthew, crossing the yard outside, halted in amazement. When had he heard Marilla laugh like that before?"
#LainaReadsAnne When she can speak again, Marilla advices Anne that, "If you must borrow trouble, for pity's sake borrow it handier home."

Honestly I really like that scene XD
#LainaReadsAnne And I am not summarizing this chapter at all because this thread took THREE HOURS and I would like to do something else for a bit now XD

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