so it was noticed as a closed session & not held in chambers, but was technically a (not publicly noticed!) public meeting?
the rest of the consent agenda is adopted unanimously

“this is not pointing fingers or assigning blame, this is how do we do this work best?”
says he does plan on supporting the program, but can’t resist poking some holes

i would like to outlaw “more of a comment than a question” as a way of opening any statement
rather than being afraid of things changing, she hopes the nonprofits can frame this as a question of whether they are truly meeting the needs of the people they exist to serve.
(not on the agenda: we still have to revisit the pulled consent agenda item after this!)
“we had a dark period,” he says, “but we very quickly got out of that and we’re very proud of that.”
and now on to closing matters by the public.
“i’m not saying nonprofits don’t do a good job,” but as taxpayers we need to make sure our money is doing the most good.
nonprofits are often upper middle class white people telling poor people what they need.