Every day I'm going to give a little tip about Facebook Ads, let's see how many days I can keep the streak alive!
Something that took me a while to understand about Facebook Ads when I was starting out was having an open mind. I used to assume so many things instead of just testing them. Do not write off an idea just because it's simple or unconventional, TEST EVERYTHING!
If you are using the same copy or creatives in both your prospection and retargeting ads, you are missing out on conversions. Use new creatives in retargeting with some sort of discount/promotion in order to get that user back on your site to purchase a product.
When you are doing interest based targeting keep it simple.I see so many beginners narrow down their audience with three different interest audiences and wonder why they aren’t seeing results.Instead try picking one broad interest audience, it will work much better
If you are only running 1% Lookalikes, you are definitely losing out on some conversions. The past few months I have seen much more success with larger percentage lookalikes. Especially if you are trying to scale make sure you are testing all the way up to 10%
When you are making or having images/videos made make sure to avoid having the text on them take up more than 20% of the creative. More than 20% and Facebook will make it more expensive for you to reach the same audience. To check images ➡️ facebook.com/ads/tools/text…
In my experience, the easiest types of campaigns to run are:
1. App Downloads
2. Lead Gen
3. Ecommerce
App install campaigns usually require the least amount of day to day work, opposed to ecom campaigns which require much more day to day work/testing
Whenever you are trying to optimize an ad account it is key to always start at the ad level. One ad could be taking spend away from the others, users could be responding poorly to the creatives, etc. Adjusting the ads is crucial before making changes to the ad set.
For most stores, you are going to want to have these types of retargeting campaigns:
-DPA for view content and add to cart
-Website visitors
-FB/IG engagement
-Video views
If you do this and have proper exclusions you will have a good setup.
One thing that I see a lot of beginners do is only create lookalikes based off the purchase event.
Facebook allows you to create lookalikes directly from your pixel and product catalog.
Test them! Don't be afraid to try out other LA farther up the funnel too.
Most individuals I talk to think that having a high frequency is the worst thing in the world.
However, if you are selling high priced items it is a necessity.
It sometimes takes a person seeing multiple ads a few times for them to purchase that $1,000 item.
Did you know shipping price is one of the most common reasons for a customer abandoning their cart?
If you own an ecom store or run ads for one, make sure you are at least testing free shipping as an option.
You could be missing out on a lot if you are not.
When's the last time you tested new creatives?
Most people's answer is well over a month which is in my experience is too long.
Even when you have creatives performing really well, you still need to be testing creatives regularly.
Nothing lasts forever!
My standard set up for a prospection campaign:
- 6-10 Ad sets (depending on daily spend)
- 8-10 Ads (for example, 4 different creatives + 2 copy variations = 8 ads)
Once it starts to get some decent data, I start optimizing and cycling in new audiences and ads.
Something I struggled with when I started is never falling in love with an audience/product I'm selling.
Never assume or think that you know for sure that an audience/product is going to work.
Stay objective throughout the process in order to prevent this.
Lookalikes made from custom audiences are static and will NOT update.
The only type of lookalikes that update are ones that are made directly from a pixel or product catalog.
Very important to know this and update those lookalikes accordingly.
This was my first tip that I ever gave on this thread but people still don't get it.
"Do you think this video or image will convert better?"
You won't ever know which performs better until you get some DATA!
Running ads from a different Facebook page than your store's page can be a good approach for certain products.
Example Product: Sweat Vest
Create a community for ladies trying to lose weight.
You'll get more potential customers engaging with ads = more sales.
One audience in retargeting that is often forgotten by individuals just starting out is their past purchasers.
Whether you are showing them ads or sending them an email it is important to incorporate them into your retargeting strategy.
But I will be continuing giving daily tips about Facebook Ads on my email list!
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