So many people today have jumped on the antibacterial or antiseptic soap bandwagon without realising that they can actually do much more harm than good. Yes! Antiseptic soaps are NOT good for you!
#Thread 👇
These friendly germs help protect the skin by keeping off the harmful germs.

The skin's immune system (our police) keeps all these microbes in check and prevents them from overgrowing or becoming unruly.

Think of it as a landlord chasing all his tenants out and leaving the gate open. Hoodlums can come in and loot or destroy the property.
Pic source:

Excessive growth of our normal skin fungi or growth of harmful fungi on the skin results in fungal skin infections.
Harmful germs also grow better in an alkaline pH.

There is no conclusive scientific evidence to suggest that household antibacterial soaps offer more protection against illness than non-antibacterial soaps.
They have also been implicated in allergies and immune system malfunction especially in children.
To buttress this the US FDA recently banned some over the counter antiseptic substances as they were deemed to be more of a risk than beneficial.………
Pls see a dermatologist if you have skin issues! 😘