I often question myself when I was a kid "Will I look like that when I grow up? Will I have a slim figure, elongated legs and pretty face?"
My mom told me when I was in 6th grade "Look at your thighs... Oh my God, why you already have stretch marks, you look like a preggo mom"
She handed me a cream to put on my thighs everyday, hoping that it'll go away.
Growing up, one of my friends got bullied. I never know that it is "a thing"
I, thankfully, never got bullied.-
Oh wait, maybe I used to be too harsh on people, and I often get commented on that. "My tongue is sharp as a knife," they said. I'm sorry, old friends if I ever hurt your feeling. I learned and I grow up as a different person now.
I don't have a slim figure, no elongated legs, no flawless face.
And as I grow older, I start to notice nobody looks like those perfect celebrities yet... my auntie told me-
If I was harsh enough to reply, I'd say "Um... excuse me auntie, your tummy is actually gasping for air inside that tight clothes. So don't tell me that I'm fat when you're the one who's fatter"
I start to losing weight. I have this urge to look good in the next eid mubarak, for the sake of "Oh you look slimmer"
Fuck it. I'm just gonna be me.
Fast forward to now, I'm surrounding myself to a kind circle-
but still... there will be people who bully you so much and you can't help it.
People harshly criticize you and they feel okay with it because they DON'T know you.
They spread negative energy, like viruses they spread wider and wider and causing disease to our precious mind.
how do you deal with such negativity?
Do you choose to save yourself from them and ignore?
Or they get into you and stress you out?
Are you allowing them to ruin your day?
Are you allowing them to ruin your life?
1. Allowing your emotion to come.
Are you feeling sad when people call you ugly? Then cry. Cry out loud
Are you mad at them? Then be angry.
Allowing your emotion to come out loud. Enjoy your emotion.
Shout their name to your mobile screen, "FUCK YOU ANJENG!"
Cry yourself out for a minute
And after that, trust me you'll feel free. You'll feel better and that virus comes out of your system, and you'll be okay.
No, you don't need more negative energy in your life. So bye, thank u, next.
3. Laugh at them.
"HAHA YOU TRASH" when you look at their profile, hey at least laughing makes you happy ;)
4. Pity them.
You may notice they probably don't have a better life than you.
Let the good oxygen fills your body.
Look at your real life and turn off your phone. You deserve time-off. You deserve to rest and get out of the cruel world.
You deserve to look at yourself in the mirror and say "I'm amazing"
Oh don't tell me I don't get bullied. Look at my Youtube comments and see how harsh and rude people can be with their thumbs.
I'm amazing in my own way and I'm gonna remind myself every-fucking-day.
So bitch, don't think you can stop me. I'm too fabulous!
It's a podcast type of video where you just have to listen, without even watching.
Hope you guys inspired: