Let's look at cars. At first, there were no rules or regulations. They could be built any which way. And anyone could drive them.
Then came the awful rules...
Surely, this killed the car!
Surely, this created an underground of unlicensed drivers? Protesting govt intrusion into their privacy and freedom to own property and free movement?
Speed limits and other rules restricting and regulating car usage. Gross overreach.
Like gun magazine limits.
This surely killed the car?
So licensing (limiting) who could own cars and regulating (restricting) how cars could be driven...
... Didn't dampen car ownership
As damage by cars increased, govts demanded ALL car owners cover a portion of the cost.
Surely that killed the car?
...and mandatory insurance (taxation) to partially defray damage done by cars
Bc now cars were necessary, to get to work, travel, entertainment. Every aspect of life.
This had to stop! An end to car regulation!
This was a WAR ON CARS!!!
The govt began imposing safety devices, like seat belts (safety lock).
We even colluded with foreign powers to protect our car rights. (We needed the cash)
We would not be defeated!
We fought communist organizations, like MADD, interefering with what we put into OUR own bodies!
Insisting prior offences remove entirely our right to drive!
Americans, we are UNDER ATTACK! Join us as we fight in the streets to defeat the WAR ON CARS!
Donations can be sent to 1-800-....
Thank you for retweating! It's as important as our battle #NotesFromNationalEmergency ,
Both need your support, and more importantly, your wallets!
(Foreign funds happily accepted).
Spread the word to fight #WarOnCars
Fundraisers who raise the most $funds this weekend, in our historic battle to win the #WarOnCars
Will win an all-expense paid trip to (Mother) Russia.
(Sorry, cost of return up to individual winners)
All donations to...