"Bringing Meaning & Life Back to Survivors of Critical Illness"
I'm looking forward to a great session with @ICU_Recovery + @JulieRoganCNS
Here are my slides to give you a sense of what the conversation may be about. Join us!

These graphics hopefully forthcoming from Oxford Textbook of Medicine edited by @icuresearch
@SCCM #ccc48

some things you only get if you come to the live show, e.g. great new work by my colleague @antoinettebcoe
@SCCM #ccc48

@SCCM #ccc48

I'm indebted to my colleagues @HalliePrescott @Jakob_McSparron @Hawleysaraht for pushing my thinking here
@SCCM #ccc48

mentored by @Terri_Hough

See @Jomcpeake22 + @HainesKimberley in @CritCareMed
@RendonJim's superb book + conversation w @bnallamo @sanjaysaint in work on cardiac arrest taught me about #PostTraumaticGrowth
@SCCM #ccc48

I hope to see you soon
@SCCM #ccc48