6 years ago, 4 tweets, 2 min read Read on Twitter
Any proposal a Democratic candidate puts forward, no matter how moderate, will be branded as "socialism" by their GOP opponent. There's no point in adjusting one's positions accordingly...just propose policies you believe in and let the GOP socialism wolf howl away.
I remember watching the 1996 debates between Jack Kemp and Al Gore and it seemed like every other word out of Kemp's mouth was "socialism." Seriously, if they thought Al Gore was a socialist then...well...
Also, remember that the newspaper with one of the larger national circulations in the late 19th and early 20th century was the Socialist paper, The Appeal to Reason. Published in f-ing KANSAS. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Appeal_to…
Also, remember that the Socialist candidate for president in 1912, Eugene Debs, got 20% of the vote in Oklahoma. A state where over 175 Socialists held local elected offices in that year. okhistory.org/publications/e…
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