✍️Sign up here!!
📱💻You can do it on your phone or PC 100% from home now (usually you meet at a location to get instructions).
😆It might take 5-10 minutes to catch on, but when you do it really is fun, easy and it makes you feel like you are really helping.
📄Instructions, p. 1 of 10👇

😆Please don't be intimidated, this is really easy & fun.
💰💰Also, please note that "Need to Impeach" spent $10 million dollars on the GOTV campaign before the 2018 Midterms, the organization is not just about impeaching 🍊

🗳️‼️If we elect a #Democratic Secretary of State in #Georgia we can start the process of eradicating voter suppression, hacking and cheating in that state!
💥Anyone who followed the Georgia elections knows how important this is!

🏛️This U.S. Senate seat is so important to regaining #Democratic control in the Senate in 2020.
🌊🗳️Mike Espy @espyforsenate is the man for this job!

🔷🗳️I hope you decide to help out some great #Democratic causes!
🗳️🌊Thanks for reading and let's go #Mississippi and #Georgia! Let's do it right and elect #Democrats Mike Espy @espyforsenate & John Barrow @Barrow4Georgia
#BlueWave2018 continues!

ℹ️If I can't answer, I'll find someone who can!
🆗Thanks so much!!
▶️cc: @sara_arub