Agrees with everything
Giggles a lot
Fidgety body language
Talks fast
Avoids eye contact
Says 'I guess' a lot
Always asks for permission
Closet snake
Waits for others to make decisions
Has no life purpose
Bottles up anger
Not quite.
Being kind is a good thing.
'Aren't they the same?'
The kind guy will tell the truth despite the unpleasant feelings associated with it.
But in reality?
It makes your life much harder.
Human nature does not take kindly to nice guys.
Because I used to be the nice guy.
And plenty of people that you consider confident were once nice guys themselves.
They were highly agreeable, a people pleaser & allowed others opinions to dictate their reality.
You lack a life mission.
It ALL starts with that.
You aren't quite sure what the point of life is.
So your brain assigns your life value thru the opinions of others.
Which is why you are EXTRA cautious about getting their approval.
-You laugh a lot hoping they will like you quicker.
-You ask them for permission because you think you are not worthy of being assertive.
All because you want them to like you.
Exact opposite.
They are repulsed by you.
Because of human nature.
To their conscious mind, you are doing all the right things.
But to their subconscious mind? Something doesn't seem right.
Their subconscious mind can tell that you are being fake.
Which is why they FEEL weird around you.
You become a doormat in the social world.
Becoming a doormat from the people that you crave acceptance from kills your self-esteem.....
You just need a life purpose.
You need to find your north star.
Once you do, your mind will focus more on the north star than other people's opinions.
Instead, something magical happens.
You see if others are worthy of entering your world.
That's when you take back control of your life.
When you take back control, you give off a different ENERGY to the world.
You are much more poised, calm & confident.
Others are now drawn to you.
Get it?
Use your confident energy to construct not destruct.
Build yourself up & empower others along the way.
Nice = Fake message + Positive Delivery
Kind = Real message + Positive Delivery
That does nothing.
Go on & do something about it!
Get off your ass & experiment until you find something that clicks with you.
Once you find it, do it a lot and master it!
-Finding your North Star 101.
You will attract, no longer chase.
You will command respect, rather than seek it.
You will feel whole.
Life will never be the same.
For more mind tips, Follow your boi @ArmaniTalks