Your ego tries to convince you that breaking the ice is creepy.
It's only creepy if you think it's supposed to be creepy.
Fix your mindset.
Smile + Say Hello.
Exercise your social muscle.
It's your muscle that makes it easier to be social.
'How can I see this muscle?'
You can't.
It's invisible like your mind.
But it is there...
When you internalize this concept, you realize that charisma can be exercised onto your existence.
But it all starts with the social muscle.
Hence, social skills.
If you are someone who is socially awkward now, that just means your social muscle is weak.
From the following steps:
1. Mindset shift
2. Social knowledge
3. Social experience
Let me explain..
View social awkwardness as Chapter 1 & not the Conclusion.
-This shift unlocks your optimism & enthusiasm.
Go from a scarcity -> abundance mentality regarding people.
-This shift takes pressure off you & allows you to show authenticity.
Step 1 was to just make you AWARE.
Once your conscious mind is aware, you have gotten the ball rolling.
Step 2 & 3 will internalize the mentality switch.
Having a little knowledge is much better than throwing shit at the wall.
Read the 2 books:
'Social Intelligence' by Daniel Goleman
'The Charisma Myth' by Olivia Fox Cabane
Just read those 2 and move on to step 3.
You don't want to be sitting on your ass reading & watching stuff all day.
This is you going up to people & talking to them.
The reason it's better to start the convo is because it is an active approach.
Your social muscle gets one hell of a workout this way & speeds up your progress to charisma.
Just go up & say hello.
This is where the abundance mentality kicks in.
You stop caring what one individual will think of you.
Because around this point, you realized there are billions of people out there.
You can. But that's you relying on the external world to strengthen your social muscle.
You going up to the person is you relying on your internal world to strengthen your social muscle.
That's confidence.
Just like in any field out there, the top performers are the minority.
Same in the social dynamics world.
-The minority spark the convo.
-The majority wait for the convo to be sparked.
Don't view it to be creepy.
View it to be a reward.
You do not see linear progress
You see EXPONENTIAL progress
A few interactions in & you feel more confident than ever!
You ever heard: 'It's not what you know, it's who you know?'
It's true!!
Some people will not want to be social. Oh well!
When one grape falls onto the ground, do you cry about it?
'Fuck no.'
'Because I have many more grapes.'
You have many more people around you as well.
All because you were willing to be uncomfortable for a while.
That's how you make moves.
That's how you go from:
Socially awkward -> Socially savvy
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