Shared this with @__BTC3P0__ in the discord.. +23R while I was on holiday this weekend, gg.

If it wasn’t that I closed my short around the same price as opening it, was doing good so the mindset of f- it snuck into my behavior, smoking probably emphasized that part of me.
And that’s where ‘the chase’ started.
Yes, you are responsible, but were your expectations realistic?
My wrong decisions were based on the wrong expectations.
I can write all the cliche psychological things, but the thing is you have heard all the important tips before.
Still, I took a leap and went ‘full time’ around a year ago, devoting all my time to this and dedicated to make this work.
There I was, having a personal office, ready to show the market who’s boss, I was going to turn this profit.
I had to make money now, since I was seeing it as my job.. even while I had multiple years of living expenses set aside, something in the back of my head was like you have to make it work now.
Some months ago I changed this line to 'I am in control of myself'.
The market does what it wants.
It’s when I realized trading is a messed up business, and you're left with 2 options. Give up, or take some steps back and fix yourself.
This is the beauty of trading, it will just show you that you’re the one hurting yourself.
You can do all the TA you want, if you do something different it doesn’t matter anyways.
Previously I would tilt or whatever, feel sad this that.. Now I had a lovely week in Ireland without thinking too much about trading, getting back to these opportunities next week.
It will show you your bad habits, replace those for good ones and treat yourself well.
Good luck, thanks for reading, don’t force it and be realistic with yourself, it will save you a lot of pain.
Or if you’re like me you’ll read this and still go through it all anyways 🤡
mfw I miss a big opportunity, again: