Thread. 1/
It gives pride of place to EEA art 112 powers - so-called “emergency brake”. But... 2/
Wise. 6/
Let’s discuss... 7/
That has long been UK’s main tool against EU migration. 8/
But Boles, Kinnock and colleagues haven’t learned those lessons. They still think - with no evidence - *promising more controls* makes voters believe *its under control*. 10/
No. Because politicians have never told them. 11/
Instead they’re asking Gov to draw up plans to expel EU citizens who lack a right to reside in UK.
Bad idea. Bad timing. 12/
EU citizens & their allies will hate it. already angry over 3 years of limbo & bargaining chipping. Just as May says “OK, have settled status”, the Labour Party is asked to back a plan to explore expulsions? Wow. 13/
There’s a reason May never tried this. 14/
More importantly - no evidence that the threat of expulsion reduces migration. It’s in the threads. 15/
It’s not too late @NickBoles . Drop your call for anti-EU migrant measures. 17/17