"Full-Stack Freelancers are responding to a series of technology-driven trends — contingent employment, intensifying globalization, and automation"
"manage a portfolio of income streams, not a job based on one set of skills."
"Portfolio thinking recognizes that having multiple parallel projects provides many opportunities for synergy."
"The two sources that make up 81% of my income take up only 34% of my time. My third biggest source of income, consulting, produces 13% of revenue but takes up 24% of my time."
"The customer has to know you, understand where you’re coming from, and trust you. This requires a rich, interactive process"
This is the sales process, executed on an individual level.
"But it isn’t just customers that traverse the network in all directions. Information and value do too."
"A Full-Stack Freelancer does not see a black-and-white world of free agents vs. wage slaves."
"Changing direction is just a matter of adding or removing an item from your portfolio, not making a dramatic, wrenching career change."