"The ideal state is the one in the top right, where I have a deep, continuous sense of purpose, both big picture and moment-to-moment, and I’m also not fighting myself."
"One of the last surviving veterans of WWI said 'Nobody wins in a war, they lost but we didn’t win.'”
"This point becomes even more exaggerated when both sides of the war are in some sense oneself."
"And so what I practiced was resolving that mental experience not by trying to feel differently, but by relaxing my reference level for 'how I should feel'."
"I’d previously been relatively good at putting aside internal conflict so I could accomplish stuff, but I still experienced a fair bit of oscillation."
"Rapid learning requires pushing at the boundaries of current performance."
"So I now have a double commitment: to act in each moment out of a sense of purposeful discipline, and also to not waste my energy fighting myself."
"This means that if I notice myself feeling aimless, or I notice myself feeling stuck or oscillating, dealing with that immediately rather than acting from it."
"They don’t expect to reach literally zero, but having that as a target makes it clear to the whole system that they’re playing a totally different game than mere waste mitigation or waste reduction."
"And then creating space for them to bust their assumptions that were leading to that approach, so they can step up to the challenge of coordinating in a new way."