Suppose a woman - call her Rebecca - has had a long, misogyny-filled day, and in frustration she tweets that "men can all die in a fucking fire". (1/n)
And suppose, further, that a number of Rebecca's detractors decide to promote this version of events ... (2/n)
Yes, before dismissing these complaints out of hand, you might want to double-check to see if this was about Rebecca using some kind of dog-whistle, but... (6/n)
You'd get that they were putting words in her mouth in the laziest manner possible - by simply lying about what she'd said and counting on you not to check the references, right? (7/n)
And at this point anyone failing to see it for what it is should be deeply ashamed. (11/n)
So to any of them who might be reading this: fuck you and fuck your lies. (13/n, n=13)