North-East (Aindri): Aquarius to Pisces, Water, Sesa/Man-Sea-Lion, dual/Janus.
South-East (Chamunda): Scorpio to Sagittarius, Fire, Manava, SuSena/Mahatala.
South-West (Mahalakshmi): Leo to Virgo, Earth, Eagle.
There are mainly 3-Zodiacs involved in the narrative of King Shivi:
1) Virgo (Dove), Mercury is mundane, Moon is the esoteric-ruler, Mercury is exalted & Venus is in Fall.
2) Libra, Balance-Scales, Venus is mundane, Uranus esoteric-ruler, Saturn is exalted, & Sun is in Falls. It's contradictory to think that Sun even Falls (even Venus has to fall against Sun)! If you see the tarot-11 card of
3) Pisces, Lord Indra, Neptune/Jupiter the mundane-ruler, Pluto (Ketu) is the esoteric-ruler, Venus is exalted, & Mercury is in the Falls.