Thanks all for the feedback.
Logan Green got inspired after a trip in 2006 from observing people in Zimbabwe giving rides to others and started Zimride. The team decided to create a peer to peer mobile app called Lyft in 2012/2013 and sold Zimride to Enterprise.
6 yrs journey to founding of Lyft!
Garrett Camp got inspired after feeling the frustration of hailing a cab in SF around 2008. Keen continued observations + belief, seed funded himself with $250k, attracted Travis Kalanick as an adviser and then later on to become the CEO.
2 yrs from idea to SF launch
Stewart Butterfield and team were building a game called Glitch starting in 2009. It just didn't work out, but looking at the usefulness of their internal team chat collaboration tool, they decided to package and launch it in 2014.
5 yr journey to launch!
The founders got inspired about the idea in 2007. At their 2nd soft launch in SXSW, they got *one* customer. After their 3rd launch at DNC, they got some traffic but it fell and as a startup they were dying. Then YC happened and they re-launched in 2009.
2 yr to launch
Ben Silbermann created multiple fully-formed versions of the website. But 9 months after launch there were very few DAUs. He didn't quit; the site eventually started growing with networks of design bloggers.
I have been working on my startup:
- 3.5 years, part-time
- Built & scratched 3 apps
- Time away from family
- $, vacations skipped
- Opportunity cost
in the pursuit of/to discover/belief in a specific insight. 4th version is when it worked
.COM domains
.CO domains