1. Our Beloved Ones,
WE have arrived on this planet again for the purpose of assisting you in this Grand Awakening of Humanity.
You are hearing endless stories, conflict and rumors. I speak words of Healing Light and Unending Love over You now.
WE enjoy many kinds of fruits and vegetables. Many vibrant colors and flavors. Our fruits and vegetables are very large.
We enjoy music and WE brought this music to earth many thousands of years ago. These instruments are intricately designed and are many sizes.
WE have no illness, no war. WE do not die.
WE choose our look as we grow and age.
WE create our own beautiful tapestries and jewelry. WE enjoy putting crystals through our work as these are living Entities that are always communicating with Life.
WE live in ONENESS and understand that Duality exists until you Awaken.
WE hope to assist You with this. It is so very beautiful.
I personally have a White Tiger named UKA. He travels with me often and is very protective.
Taygeta is a Sacred Place. It is our Home.